5 Questions Everyone Has About Performance Reviews in 2021 (and How to Prepare for Them)

performance review


May 2, 2024 at 4:15PM UTC
In 2021, performance reviews look a little different, thanks to a largely remote workforce. But performance management is especially critical during a time of dramatic workplace changes and pervasive burnout.
A performance review is meant to be an assessment of your strengths and weaknesses and a discussion about your career and job development. It's important to the success of the company—and can play a role in workers' career trajectory as well. 

Research findings

Stanford University Professor Shelley Correll and Senior Research Director at the Stanford Center for the Advancement of Women’s Leadership Caroline Simard presented findings about performance evaluations in the Harvard Business Review.  Previously, Dr. Simard previously analyzed hundreds of performance reviews from four technology and professional services firms, finding that words appearing frequently in reviews for male employees such as “drive”, “transform”, “innovate” and “tackle” would also appear more frequently in candidate descriptions for promotions.

Gender differences

Drs. Correll and Simard elaborate on their previous findings, revealing when women receive feedback at work, it's vaguer than feedback for men. In an analysis of 200 performance reviews at a technology company, women appeared to receive less specific feedback, whether positive or negative. For example, women more commonly received comments such as “You had a great year” (57% for women vs. 43% for men). The reverse was true when it came to individual performance reviews that linked feedback to more specific business outcomes (60% for men vs. 40% for women).
Correll and Simard also observe that women tend to receive feedback from supervisors that focus on their communication style, with women receiving more than two-thirds of comments saying an employee was “too aggressive.” The authors suggest that these results may be a consequence of unconscious bias.
So, what are performance reviews really like? Here are the answers to five important questions.

1. What are some examples of positive feedback?

Both male and female managers have been found to hold similar gender biases. To level the playing field, Correll and Simard suggest taking a few concrete steps when conducting an annual review:
• Outline specific criteria to evaluate individuals in their employee performance review before giving them their review
• Supervisors should tie employee feedback to business goals and outcomes
• Strive to write reviews of similar lengths for all employees
So, what is an example of constructive feedback? Well, Correll and Simard also suggest that if you find yourself giving feedback during an annual review without tying it to specific outcomes (e.g. saying something like “You’re a great team member on a high-performing team and people like working with you”), ask yourself whether you can simply be more specific. They suggest a counter-example: “You are effective at building team outcomes. You successfully resolved the divide between the engineering team and the product team on which features to prioritize in our last sprint, leading us to ship the product on time.”
Receiving specific, actionable feedback (constructive criticism) in our performance reviews is something we would all appreciate. And in the case of women, it may mean that our next promotion depends on it. So if you're experiencing vague feedback at work — know you're not alone, and your expectations are not out of line — and ask for more specific details!

2. What are some examples of negative performance reviews?

Many people receive negative performance reviews, whether deserved or not.
Jennifer Bewely shares a personal story about her first performance evaluation:
"My first performance review came 16 years after I joined the workforce. I started my career at a small Wall Street firm and we had daily reviews — measured in gains and losses. There was simply no need to sit down and discuss anyone’s performance.
When the first formal review process came my way, the idea that I had to sit down and talk about myself was discombobulating. My boss was collaborative and we talked nearly every day. What else was there to say? Not much, and that was the best part about these annual meetings – there was never a surprise. Unfortunately, that is not always the case."
After a shocking terrible review, a Fairygodboss member asked the community, “Should I just start looking for another job?” Mind you, this was not just a bad review. It was a review that had her believing she is living in an alternative universe to her manager. Before she makes a big life change, I thought the best person to answer her question would be an HR professional, because they know the other side.
Bettina Deynes, Vice President of HR at SHRM, the world’s largest HR professional society, said, “Unfortunately, many times this is the only recourse for employees who feel that they have exhausted every avenue for fair and equitable treatment relating to performance evaluation to no avail. The recognition that an unfair environment is not likely to change leaves little hope, and a job search for an enterprise that clearly values the contributions of employees is sometimes a conscientious and dedicated employee’s only option.”
Yes, you should start looking for another job. How can you improve your odds that the next job will be fulfilling and fair?

3. What are some examples of performance review phrases?

Here are 100 examples of performance review phrases that may appear in a job performance review.
  1. Commitment
  2. Professionalism
  3. Loyalty
  4. Areas of Improvement
  5. Areas of Excellence
  6. Excel
  7. Attendance
  8. Always Available
  9. Punctuality
  10. Promotes the Company Culture
  11. Productivity
  12. Quality of Work
  13. Adaptability
  14. Communication Skills
  15. Ready to Take on New Tasks
  16. Creativity
  17. Innovation
  18. Recognizes the Needs of Others
  19. Attentive
  20. Accountability
  21. Responsibility
  22. Reliability
  23. Customer Focus
  24. Customer Satisfaction
  25. Decision-Making Skills
  26. Problem-Solving Skills
  27. Builds Strong Relationships with Others
  28. Empathy
  29. Hand-Eye Coordination
  30. Clever
  31. Dependability
  32. Reliability
  33. Gladly Shares Expertise
  34. Responds Quickly
  35. Ethics
  36. Integrity
  37. Flexibility
  38. Lead by Example
  39. Imaginative
  40. Goal-Setter
  41. Initiative
  42. Job Knowledge
  43. Good Judgment
  44. Leadership Behavior
  45. Listening Skills
  46. Leadership Skills
  47. Mentoring Skills
  48. Management Style and Supervision
  49. Organizational Skills
  50. Planning Skills
  51. Teamwork
  52. Technical Skills
  53. Empathy
  54. Interpersonal Skills
  55. Soft skills
  56. Time Management
  57. Training Ability
  58. Attitude
  59. Critical Thinking
  60. Highly Respected by Colleagues
  61. Team Player
  62. Hard Worker
  63. Shows a Sincere Interest
  64. Dedication
  65. Concentration Skills
  66. Devotedness
  67. Thinks Outside the Box
  68. Exceeded Expectations
  69. Keeps Meetings Action Oriented
  70. Deadline-Driven
  71. Developed Successful Administrative Strategies
  72. Inspiration
  73. Organized
  74. Independent
  75. Attention to Detail
  76. Thirst for Success
  77. Shared Values
  78. Common Goals
  79. Embraces an Open-Door Policy
  80. Bigger-Picture Goals
  81. Seeks New Ideas
  82. Delegates to Match Personal Strengths
  83. Delegates With Clearly Defined Responsibility
  84. Sets Forth Big Ideas
  85. Encourages Open Communication
  86. Long-Term Goals
  87. Collaboration Skills
  88. Positive Influence
  89. Improved Production
  90. Continues to Grow
  91. Continues to Improve
  92. Areas for Growth
  93. Glow and Grow
  94. Curious
  95. Mutual Dependence
  96. Embraces Challenges
  97. Uses Sound Coaching Techniques
  98. Effectively Communicates
  99. Enforces Company Policies and Values
  100. Supportive

4. How do companies evaluate staff performance? 

In nearly every job interview scenario, you will meet with someone from recruiting or human resources. Even if it's a screener interview, use the time to your advantage and ask questions about their expertise. The way a company tackles performance management can tell you how they value their employees.
There are basically three examples of performance management being practiced by organizations today, Deynes explained.


“The first involves the organization that is totally dedicated to a formal performance management system that involves frequent, meaningful communication between every supervisor and employee in the setting of measurable goals and standards of performance that are tied directly into the organization’s strategic plan.


“The second example is more common, unfortunately. It is comprised of a haphazard collection of policies and practices, with annual evaluations, that may or may not be conducted on a timely basis, and evaluation instruments composed of subjective, impossible to measure (such as 'works well with others,' 'degree of professionalism,' etc.) criteria that supervisors are reluctant or unable to justify, thereby assigning arbitrary ratings from 1 to 5 and usually assigning blanket 3s in a feeble attempt to keep peace.


“The third type involves organizations that have no discernable performance management system.
We all know the system is only as good as the input. Once you know the company’s system, you have a frame to use employee reviews and turnover data more effectively. And, even if the perfect job, has a more haphazard or no system at all – at least you know what you are getting into and can adjust your expectations accordingly. In fact, we all should adjust our view. Only two percent of HR professionals gave their companies an A for performance management, according to a SHRM survey.
If the best circumstance is a new job, there are still times when personal responsibilities make that an impossibility. To dispute your review internally, it’s best if there is a formal grievance process already in place. Even with a system, there is a downside to filing a complaint. Deynes warns, “The long-term effect on an employee resulting from the filing a formal complaint, however, can be a matter of informal harassment and retaliation and can vary from none to rather severe, depending on the management/employee culture in place.”
If your manager doesn’t have your back, that's a scary place to be as an employee. Management still works for the company; only you work for you.

5. How do you bounce back after a bad performance review?

A Fairygodboss member recently shared that she had a bad performance review and was wondering how to proceed. "I just had a terrible annual review that I thought was very unfair," she said. "I was really surprised but it was so bad that I think I'm living in an alternative universe to my manager. Should I just start looking for another job? The feedback was really different than what I think I deserve so I normally would just try to improve but it feels kinda hopeless."
Emotions always run high during performance review season, and having a terrible employee performance evaluation can feel so defeating. But instead of jumping ship right away, think about moving forward using this 4-step plan. It will help you assess the situation to decide whether or not you can (or want to) continue in your current role.

1. Step back.

During a performance review discussion, good or bad, our minds tend to race. We’re considering how to deal with negative feedback, capitalize on the positive, construct the ‘perfect’ responses and present ourselves in the best possible light. If things aren’t going your way, try your best to stay calm and listen.
Ask clarifying questions, graciously listen to answers and avoid responding right away, just take it in as gracefully as possible. After the conversation, try to gain some perspective and do your best not to take things personally. Put yourself in your boss’ shoes to see why she might have misinterpreted your actions or intent.
Be as objective as possible and play devil’s advocate to look at things from all angles. It can be helpful to enlist the help of a trusted friend or colleague in this phase.

2. Be grateful.

Feedback is a gift, right? (insert eye roll!) Really, though, your boss has shared her perspective and now you know how she feels about your performance. If you don’t know there is a problem, you can’t fix it. It might be the case that others share her opinion and knowing what that opinion is can help you shift your behavior to improve relationships and the way you are perceived.

3. Communicate effectively.

Now that you’ve had some time to cool off, it’s time to talk with your boss about the review. It’s okay to say that you were surprised by her feedback and share your point of view. Stay inclusive and collaborative as you approach this discussion. It’s not you against her but rather an effort to make sure you are performing in a way that meets her standards and allows you to grow in your role.
This will be a pivotal moment. You’ll learn whether or not you can or want to meet those standards and expectations and that can be a deciding factor in whether or not you look for another role. The best-case scenario is that you and your boss create a plan to help you excel in your role and advance in your career. It might not be hopeless!

4. Set milestones

If the plan is to stay and to have an amazing employee review next year, you need to create a plan and define metrics that measure your success. It might be that your boss didn’t think you were doing well because you weren’t visible enough.
A great answer to that might be to schedule monthly or weekly meetings where you can update her on projects. Work with her to set goals and performance objectives, so you can both monitor your progress and make sure you're improving.

The bottom line

Are you easily frustrated and bringing down your team when things don’t go well? Try removing yourself from frustrating situations so others aren’t impacted or being careful about where and when you express those frustrations. Identify the behaviors and perceptions that you’d like to correct and regularly check your progress in making improvements.
Effective communication and setting clear goals in collaboration with your boss should mean no surprises at the time of your job performance review. If you do find yourself in a tough performance review, follow these steps to decide how you’ll successfully move forward.
To learn more about evaluations, check out:

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