thiness team is also responsible for managing defect investigations and if necessary the release of customer alerts in the case of a significant effect to flight safety.
Key responsibilities
Formal release of Certificates of Design and Declarations of Design and Performance.
Organise and manage MSD certification processes through Airworthiness Working Groups and Airworthiness Board meetings.
Promote compliance with airworthiness regulations and directives and act as point of contact for external governing Airworthiness bodies, e.g. DAOS, CAA, EASA, MAA.
Assessment of equipment design and suitability of aircraft components and their approval for use in aircraft.
Assessment and approval of the installation of aircraft components and equipment.
Routine Surveillance and Audit of MSD engineering activities.
Manage authorisation of MSD airworthiness signatories.
Provide expert input into Design Reviews and engineering investigations to promote Design for Airworthiness
Maintain Airworthiness Company Control Procedures to comply with internal and external regulatory requirements.
Contribute to MSD-wide Configuration Management, Change to Type Design and approval of associated drawings, reports and artifacts.
Schedule and manage all internal and external Airworthiness activities as required by specific project and regulatory requirements.
Co-operate with management to meet the employer's legal duties and take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
Promote adherence to, and compliance with airworthiness regulations throughout MSD
Key measures and milestones
Definition and execution to the Airworthiness Program Plan and compliance with internal customer and external regulatory requirements.
Integrate Airworthiness as a specialisation into the early phases of product and systems design
Safety, Mechanical, electrical, electronic or aeronautical engineering degree