Associate Lead - Data & Analytics - MedTech

Johnson & Johnson



Pune, India

Why you should apply for a job to Johnson & Johnson:

  • Ranked as one of the Best Companies for Women in 2020
  • 4.2/5 in overall job satisfaction
  • 4.2/5 in supportive management
  • 71% say women are treated fairly and equally to men
  • 88% would recommend this company to other women
  • 85% say the CEO supports gender diversity
  • Ratings are based on anonymous reviews by Fairygodboss members.
  • Global parental leave for all new parents (maternal, paternal, adoptive or surrogacy-assisted).
  • Global exercise reimbursement.
  • Two weeks off (one of them fully paid) for volunteer work.
  • #2506230816W

    Position summary

    d send communication to solution users

    • Lead custom database creation through blending of multiple data sources.

    • Recommend ways to improve data reliability, efficiency, and quality.

    • Automate processes and tasks to improve workflow efficiencies.


    Minimum Qualifications:

    • 4- 6 Years experience
    • Required bachelor's in computer science or related STEM discipline.
    • Demonstrable ability to synthesize data, interpret data, and process observations into meaningful recommendations.
    • Demonstrated Expertise in ETL using Alteryx Designer and(or) SQL is a must.
    • Demonstrated Expertise in data visualization tool like Tableau & Power BI is a must.
    • Outstanding proficiency in Microsoft Excel is required.
    • Experience with cloud platforms such as Azure is a plus.
    • Demonstrated experience in Python is a plus.
    • Proven knowledge/use of the latest analytical models and tools.
    • Demonstrable ability to work closely with colleagues across functions to deliver results.
    • Effective communication skills.

    Why you should apply for a job to Johnson & Johnson:

  • Ranked as one of the Best Companies for Women in 2020
  • 4.2/5 in overall job satisfaction
  • 4.2/5 in supportive management
  • 71% say women are treated fairly and equally to men
  • 88% would recommend this company to other women
  • 85% say the CEO supports gender diversity
  • Ratings are based on anonymous reviews by Fairygodboss members.
  • Global parental leave for all new parents (maternal, paternal, adoptive or surrogacy-assisted).
  • Global exercise reimbursement.
  • Two weeks off (one of them fully paid) for volunteer work.