Import & Export Specialist

Johnson & Johnson



Suzhou, China

Why you should apply for a job to Johnson & Johnson:

  • Ranked as one of the Best Companies for Women in 2020
  • 4.2/5 in overall job satisfaction
  • 4.2/5 in supportive management
  • 71% say women are treated fairly and equally to men
  • 88% would recommend this company to other women
  • 85% say the CEO supports gender diversity
  • Ratings are based on anonymous reviews by Fairygodboss members.
  • Global parental leave for all new parents (maternal, paternal, adoptive or surrogacy-assisted).
  • Global exercise reimbursement.
  • Two weeks off (one of them fully paid) for volunteer work.
  • #2506231867W

    Position summary

    customs broker and customs. 与货代 报关行 海关保持良好沟通

    l 10% - Keep documentation copy and softcopy timely and accurate update. 进出口记录和文件存档工作的及时性和准确性


    l Export operation: prepare shipping booking, customs document preparation, arrange the shipment and send all tracking information/document to customer, related person timely and accurately.

    出口操作:制作报关文件, 安排运输, 及时准确的让相关人员和客户了解出口货物的状况

    l Import operation: raw material, equipment, spares parts. Prepare customs clearance document, track the shipment timely to meet production requirement.

    进口操作:原材料, 设备,备品备件等制作报关文件, 及时追踪货物以满足生产需求

    l Cross check for customs clearance documentation.


    l Routine communication with, forwarder, customs broker.


    l File and manage all customs document.


    l Ensure the compliance with J&J, Customs and Government rules and Affiliates Requirement.

    遵守强生公司,海关和政府部门的各种规章制度, 遵纪守法

    l Other assignment from direct supervisor.



    Qualifications/ 资格

    l University Degree/ 大学学位

    l Training/ 培训

    l Fluent Oral/Written English/ 英语说写流利

    l Under 2 years of related experience/2 年以下相关经验

    Required Competencies and Skills/ 所需的能力与技能:

    l Fluent Oral/Written and listen English skill 良好的英文听说写技能

    l Logical thinking ability 逻辑思维能力

    l Good communication skills 良好的沟通能力

    l Good written expression ability 良好的文字表达能力

    Why you should apply for a job to Johnson & Johnson:

  • Ranked as one of the Best Companies for Women in 2020
  • 4.2/5 in overall job satisfaction
  • 4.2/5 in supportive management
  • 71% say women are treated fairly and equally to men
  • 88% would recommend this company to other women
  • 85% say the CEO supports gender diversity
  • Ratings are based on anonymous reviews by Fairygodboss members.
  • Global parental leave for all new parents (maternal, paternal, adoptive or surrogacy-assisted).
  • Global exercise reimbursement.
  • Two weeks off (one of them fully paid) for volunteer work.