asked to choose your preferred division and will be offered the opportunity to enter a fast-track process to secure an internship in your desired division within our Frankfurt office.
You will be graduating in 2026; eligible students will be in their second year of a 3 year degree or their third year of a 4 year degree
You have a strong desire to explore a career in the investment banking industry and have an interest in financial markets
Fluency in English and in German
Applications are to be submitted via the link below by Sunday 27 October 2024 with a CV and Cover Letter. As part of your application, you will be prompted to select your preference from the following list of divisions, however this does not ultimately determine a specific group placement:
Investment Banking
Global Capital Markets
Sales & Trading
Investment Management
Please note, participation in the Frankfurt Spring Insight programme is designed to offer fast-track opportunities to the Frankfurt office only. If you are interested in any of our London Summer Analyst programmes, please apply directly to the Spring Insight Programme in London here: https://morganstanley.tal.net/vx/spa-1/candidate/post/7503/en-GB
Please note that applications for this programme will be reviewed after the deadline on October 27th. Your application will be reviewed by our recruitment team and if successful, you will be invited to complete interviews with your chosen divisional business unit after this date.
Job Level
Insight Program