13 Power Words That Should Be in Every Cover Letter You Write

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Updated: 9/21/2021
If you’ve applied for several positions, chances are you have been asked to complete a cover letter with your resume.
There are several classes and strategies to help you craft the perfect resume in the corporate world, but what exactly do employers want in a cover letter?
I have previously written an article about what you should include in your cover letter, but this post will help you take your cover letter to the next level. Using power words, you can help your cover letter stand out from the crowd and avoid going into the shred pile.

What are power words?

Power words are specific words or phrases used to invoke a psychological or emotional response from the reader. They are used to influence the reader to continue reading or elicit a particular desired response.
Using power words correctly, you can show the hiring manager that you are serious about the position and have qualifications and experiences that can’t be ignored. 

13 power words to always use in your cover letter

Level up your next application by strategically using these power words and phrases throughout your cover letter.

1. Achieved

Employers want to know about your previous achievements and how they relate to the position you are applying for.
Be sure to focus on your past successes to emphasize your qualifications.

2. Improved

Every workplace could be improved in one way or another.
Potential employers want to see how you have solved previous problems and improved your previous organizations through your leadership and experience.

3. Launched

Use the power word “launched” can draw a recruiter’s eyes in to entice them to see what you have implemented in past experiences.
Launching a new product, service, or initiative shows your ambition and competency. 

4. Under Budget

With our current uncertain economy, corporations are increasingly tightening their budgets—some out of necessity and others out of an abundance of caution.
Using the power words “under budget,” the hiring manager can see you are aware of the need to accomplish tasks and the need to complete them as close to budget as possible.
Being fiscally responsible is extremely important to organizations, and this can separate you from the other candidates.

5. Created

Like the power word “launched,” “created” also shows initiative and the ability to put forward new ideas and programs.
Organizations are increasingly looking for creative thinkers and able to implement change rather than act as robots on an assembly line.

6. Managed

Do you have experience managing teams or overseeing projects?
Most employees have prior experience working as a line-level employee, but successful managers are highly sought after.
If you managed a project or team, be sure to include this power word in your cover letter.

7. Resolved

Each company experiences issues, which can involve both system or personnel problems.
Being able to resolve an issue and learn from it is a valuable experience that employers desire.
Emphasize your experience with resolving issues and how you learned from it and can utilize this experience in future situations.

8. Mentored

There are plenty of selfish people in the world, but the most successful leaders spend a majority of their time training and mentoring employees.
If you have prior experiencing mentoring employees for upcoming promotional processes or helping others navigate difficulties, your cover letter should showcase this ability.

9. Volunteered

Volunteer work is valuable because it shows the selflessness of a person and their desire to be part of something greater than themselves.
Showcasing your volunteer work will show a recruiter you are a well-rounded individual who enjoys giving back.

10. Influenced

Do you have the ability to create buy-in and move a group of people toward a common goal?
Showing your ability to influence others is a great way to catch the eye of an employer who is sifting through hundreds of cover letters. 

11. Diversity and Inclusion

With an increasing focus on diversity and inclusion in the workplace, any manager needs to understand the need for increased diversity.
Using these power words in your cover letter will show the reader your understanding of the current movement and how you plan to address it in your chain of command.

12. Foster

Foster is a great power word because it can be used to describe several different accomplishments.
As a leader, you can foster change, foster growth, or foster inclusion and cohesiveness in your team. Fostering shows you can implement change and influence others.

13. Orchestrate

The power word “orchestrate” is influential because it immediately shows you have experience overseeing several moving parts.
Bringing different entities together to work towards a common goal is a difficult task that experienced leaders are required to master. 

Use these power words sparingly

With power words, “less is more,” as the saying goes. Avoid stuffing them in every other sentence, or you run the risk of coming across as fake or insincere.
Be genuine in your cover letter and use these power words to bring up topics that make you the best candidate.
— Ryan Luke

What's your no. 1 piece of cover letter advice? Leave your answer in the comments to help other Fairygodboss'ers! 

This article originally appeared on Ladders

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