3 Signs You Need to Make a Career Change in 2022, According to an Executive Coach


Canva / Fairygodboss Staff

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Megan Leasher942
talent strategist + bourbon lover
July 27, 2024 at 12:9AM UTC

So many times in life we reflect back on a big decision that changed our lives. We say things like “I knew I had to do this because I couldn’t escape that gut feeling,” or “I just knew there was more to me and I couldn’t settle anymore.”

I am a firm believer that our best and biggest decisions are within us; we have the answers and we simply need to follow the signs. Whether our beliefs tell us that it is fueled by fate, destiny or a higher power, the signs are there and we need to listen to the guidance within us. 

Below are three signs within yourself that you need to make a career change in 2022.

1. Intuition

Intuition is the body’s communication system with the clear goal of sending you loud and clear messages when you aren’t headed down the right path. Our minds can be resistant to big decisions, like making a career change. 

When your mind resists, your body will speak up and do whatever it takes to gain your attention and pivot toward the right direction. It might be a terrible feeling in the pit of your stomach at the beginning of your workday or a physical feeling of stress and muscular relief at the end of the workday. Maybe you catch yourself talking extra fast and swiftly changing the subject in avoidance when someone asks you what you do and where you work. Perhaps it is an inability to concentrate, anger and frustration when you try to focus, or an overall lack of energy; all are ways your body is trying to say “wake up and get on board, it’s time to do something different.” 

We embrace the change and we are rewarded with the homeostasis of a relaxed, balanced body, mind and spirit.

2. Investigation

Investigation is the desire to seek knowledge, learn more, and attain a feeling of accomplishment through growth. Sometimes we know it’s time for a career change because we are thirsty. We are thirsty to discover a new talent, uncover a surprise skill, or immerse ourselves in a completely different industry.  

We find ourselves still wondering what we want to be when we “grow up,” even though we might already be seasoned professionals. Most of us have been in jobs where we realize we are no longer learning. We seek new experiences and surroundings and crave the brave success that comes along with trying something new. The pursuit of a “second act” can make us feel alive again. We embrace the unknown and are rewarded with the beauty of realizing we are a multifaceted, multitalented woman.

3. Impact 

Impact is the desire to give more. Perhaps we have a passion that we have not yet had a chance to fulfill and our current job does not provide the opportunity to pursue it. Perhaps our focus has shifted to preparing the legacy we want to leave behind. Perhaps we still have dreams and aspirations we crave to attack. 

If we find ourselves in this ill-fated mismatch, we may yearn for a new job where we have the ability to chase our passions and simultaneously bring home a paycheck. We embrace our need to fulfill our purpose and we are rewarded with joy and true life accomplishment.  

Have you ever felt like you desperately needed to make a career change and you made it happen? What were your signs to yourself? How did you know? Share your answer in the comments to help other Fairygodboss'ers!

This article was written by a Fairygodboss contributor.

Megan Leasher is the Chief Solutions Strategist for Talent Plus, a global HR-solutions firm whose mission is to leverage science to help people and organizations discover and develop talent, creating a world where people do what they are good at and enjoy. A member of the Forbes HR Council, Megan has been named as one of HR’s Rising Stars by Human Resource Executive Magazine and The 10 Most Influential Leaders in HR by Insights Success Magazine. Megan lives in northern Kentucky, where she loves coffee, bourbon, and Converse Chuck Taylors. Click here to follow Megan on LinkedIn.

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