3 Ways to Stand Out in the Job Search in the New Year, According to a Recruiter-Turned-Career Coach


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Marjorie Kalomeris202
Founder & Interview Coach @ MK Career Coaching
Updated: 1/6/2022

Well, we made it through another year. But a lot of people still have the same career frustrations, and many are more burnt out now than ever before. So, how can you easily stand out in your job search amongst the many candidates looking for new jobs throughout the new year? Here are a few key tweaks that have helped my clients differentiate themselves and land their ideal jobs this year.

1. Be specific about what you want. 

Most people who are looking for a new job start by (understandably) looking everywhere they can. However, this approach is usually a one-way ticket to a never-ending job search. Instead, I want you to be as intentional as possible. What are your top five to seven dream companies? What does your ideal next role look like, and why? Try journaling on these questions, and then use your network or LinkedIn to find as many of these specific roles as you can, in companies you would actually want to join.

When you land the interview, be vocal about why you want to be there. You want to go into each interview being able to answer the question, “What makes you excited about this role and this company, specifically?”

2. Make your LinkedIn as interactive as possible.

I always tell my clients, a LinkedIn profile is like a blank canvas — you can create whatever you want. As long as you’re being truthful about your background and experience, feel free to have fun with it! Can you feature a video of a talk or presentation you’ve given? You can personalize your photos, tell us your story in the About section, or link to different articles you’ve written. Do you have a website featuring projects you’ve done in your spare time, or a portfolio you’re proud of?

You want recruiters to be able to glance at your LinkedIn profile and understand 1) your area of expertise 2) the depth of your experience (companies, years, relevant degrees, etc.) and 3) that you’re a human.

People like working with open and authentic people, so don't be afraid to showcase your passions (while keeping it suitable for work, of course). You can add a call-to-action on your profile, turn on your “Open to Work” button, or invite people to message you directly for a specific reason. 

3. Don’t be afraid to be proactive!

Networking can be your best friend in a job search if you use it wisely. Don’t be afraid to reach out to the recruiters and hiring managers who are hiring for the dream roles you want. As long as the message is specific to the person, intentionally written and holds value for both of you, there is no harm in messaging them on LinkedIn. Don’t spam every recruiter in the company, but if you think they’re hiring for your role, there’s no harm in expressing your genuine interest. 

I can’t wait to see what opens up for you when you’re even more intentional, bold and proactive in your job search in 2022. And remember, you’re interviewing companies just as much as they’re interviewing you. It’s all about mutual fit and alignment of values, so go forth, stand out, and don’t settle.

What’s your no. 1 piece of advice for standing out in the job search right now? Share your answer in the comments to help other Fairygodboss'ers!

This article was written by a Fairygodboss Contributor.

Marjorie Kalomeris is the Founder of MK Career Coaching, an interview and career coaching consultancy for women in tech. Marjorie is a Senior Recruiter in the tech space and has recruited at several hyper-growth tech companies like LinkedIn and HubSpot. She has lived in Ireland and the Netherlands as an expat and is currently based in NYC.

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