4 Things You Can't Leave off Your Resume in 2021, From a Hiring Manager With 20 Years Experience

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Laura Berlinsky-Schine2.3k
Updated: 7/26/2021

Your resume is always imperative for standing out and securing interviews (and ultimately your dream job). Today, with huge numbers of people applying to new jobs and the market heating up, having a polished, well-presented resume is all the more crucial.

Peter Yang, who has been hiring and interviewing candidates for more than 20 years and the founder of a resume template and writing service, weighs in on the changes in what employers want to see on resumes these days.

Among other pointers, Yang advises job applicants to include the following on their resumes:

1. Remote work skills.

Have you had previous experience with working remotely? If so, be sure to mention it on your resume. Describe in detail how you’ve been able to do your job outside of the office and the skills you’ve gained from it.

Of course, many employees and job candidates haven’t had to work remotely until the pandemic. If that’s the case, describe other ways you’ve been able to manage your responsibilities remotely, such as doing freelance projects.

2. How you’ve adjusted to the COVID-19 pandemic in your role.

Everyone has dealt with challenges during the pandemic, but not everyone has figured out how to adjust. Those who have been able to adapt to a changing work environment will prove more successful in the hiring process. That’s why it’s important to showcase examples of how you’ve done so on your resume.

Provide concrete ways you’ve handled work changes during the pandemic. For example, perhaps your company has downsized and you’ve had to pick up the slack or rearrange responsibilities. Or, you’ve needed to adjust to changing company norms. If you can, offer numbers, such as how you’ve managed to increase Facebook engagement in spite of your more demanding workload.

3. Descriptions of previous roles and employers.

This is true no matter when you’re submitting your application. Along with explaining your role and responsibilities, include a short description of your employer, particularly if it’s not a company that’s widely known. For instance, a tiny startup will need a bit more explanation than, say, Salesforce. Yang suggests noting the company size, too, because that can inform prospective hiring managers about workload and resources.

To list this on your resume, you might write something like, “Managed the marketing department at a mental health services app startup with 20 employees.”

4. A link to your LinkedIn profile.

Here’s another one you should always include on your resume, pandemic or no pandemic. Make sure you put your LinkedIn profile link in your contact information section. This is, unfortunately, an often overlooked step.

And while you’re adding the URL, make sure you optimize your profile, incorporating content that’s not on your resume. A ResumeGo study found that candidates with a “comprehensive” LinkedIn profile have a 71% higher chance of getting an interview than those who don’t. 

If you want to stand out during a chaotic time, when unemployment has skyrocketed and so many people are finding themselves on the job hunt, make sure you’re at the top of your game — and that starts with a standout resume. Add these four elements to your resume to maximize your chances of securing an interview — and hopefully landing the job of your dreams.

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