These essays by Black women on their work experiences over the last two weeks are essential. Not only are they illustrative of the longstanding barriers Black women experience in the workplace, they strike to the heart of how this conversation is affecting women across the country right now. From motherhood meeting two viruses to navigating a workplace of Amy Coopers, every single one is worth the read, follow and share.
Black colleagues are hiding real pain behind their productive demeanor, Cadet shares in this crystal clear address to white and non-Black coworkers.
Motherhood is labor. Nothing makes that more clear than this essay by Meadows-Fernandez.
In this read, Green reminds us Amy Cooper "could be your boss" and reveals the impact of white women who use their privilege to manipulate justice in many settings.
Grieco gets to the heart of her fatigue running
nyakio Beauty while managing the world around her — and the world in her home.
While not an essay, this post delves into the opening of Cargle's bookstore and writing centre during this moment in time — and how she is practicing self-love and self-care during a time when "black people can’t seem to catch a breath."