5 LinkedIn Updates That Will Elevate Your Brand in Less Than a Minute

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Canva / Fairygodboss Staff

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Ranjani Krishnamurthy147
Customer Engagement, Operations, Staffing & CMS
July 27, 2024 at 12:53AM UTC

An individual’s credibility depends, to a large extent, on perception. And social media is arguably the most powerful means for developing your personal identity, creating your unique brand and positioning yourself as a person of value in your respective field. 

In the world of remote work, your social media has to do the talking on your behalf and project a favorable image of yourself. A well-groomed online profile will go a long way in creating your personal brand and building your network. 

Here are five changes that can be made to your social media profiles — within a minute — that will instantly spruce them up and elevate your personal brand.

1. Clean up your LinkedIn URL.

You can customize the URL of your public profile on LinkedIn. By doing this, you can remove all the special characters, cut its length short and make it easy to remember for all current and future connections. In order to do it, go to your profile page on LinkedIn, click on Edit Public Profile and URL and change the URL to https://www.linkedin.com/in/your-name.

2. Update your profile picture.

According to LinkedIn, a profile with a professional-looking picture is nine times more likely to be viewed than a profile with no picture. It is also 27 times more likely to receive requests for connections than that which has either no picture of the profile owner or has a casual-looking one. It is no secret that a picture speaks a thousand words. In this case, it makes your profile authentic. Get a high-resolution headshot taken of your groomed, smiley self in a neutral background and use it as your profile picture for all the professional networking sites. 

3. Write a catchy headline.

Summarize your entire profile in a single sentence in such a way that it says who you are and what you stand for. When you do not enter anything in it, Linkedin just auto-fills it with your current designation. Many people think that is sufficient and just leave it that way. But your profile is not just about your current designation. It should highlight your brand’s persona. So, take a minute of your time and write a catchy headline for your profile. 

4. Be courteous while commenting.

Remember that when you are responding to a message or commenting on a post, you are leaving your digital footprint on the social medium that you are using which can be traced back to your profile. Therefore, even when you are compelled to give a response to a post that you felt was in bad taste, make sure it is classy and represents your brand.

5. Connect your profiles from multiple platforms.

If you are active on other platforms like Twitter or Instagram, make sure you insert the link to the profile in one into that of the other and vice versa. People are generally active on multiple social media platforms and if they find you in one of them, they can connect with you on the other as well. If you have your own website or blog page, make sure you insert links to all your active profiles in it.

These quick changes, in combination with a consistent effort towards building and honing your skills in your area/s of interest will help you create an impressive personal brand for yourself and achieve your goals — whether it’s building your business, taking your career to the next level or growing your network.


This article reflects the views of the author and not necessarily those of Fairygodboss.

See more of Ranjani Krishnamurthy's work at https://psychicriviera.wordpress.com.

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