"At my company's holiday party last year, one of my coworkers got so drunk he was doing high-kicks in the middle of the bar," says Erin, a financial analyst. "It was pretty funny at first, if I'm honest. But then he kicked so high he actually ripped his suit pants and threw himself flat on his back. He ended up having to miss work the next few days because he had pulled so many muscles in his legs and actually broke his wrist landing. We all just watched, totally cringing."
"I had one colleague (who no longer works for the company) get so drunk at a holiday party one year that she told everyone just how much she actually hated her job," says Shyanne, a fitness trainer.
"She was a trainer, too, and she went around telling everyone how much she hates the fitness center we work at and basically made fun of all of her clients. She even fat-shamed a few of them. It was like the more she had to drink, the more brutally critical she became. A few of us were just listening to her go on, wondering when she'd catch on about how awkward the conversation was becoming. We're all a tight-knit family at the gym, so it kind of came out of nowhere. I think she felt awkward enough the morning after that she ended up quitting her job a few weeks after that."
"At my company's holiday party two years ago I wore a flowy black dress that was a just above the knee," says Becky, a real estate broker. "I went to the bathroom, and when I came out, my dress had gotten tucked into the Spanx. I was ordering another drink at the bar, without realizing, when my boss came up to me to let me know that my 'granny panties' were showing. Not only was it incredibly inappropriate for him to be the one to tell me, but I was also just mortified. It must have been 10 minutes before he said anything, and I have no idea who else noticed. Cringe."