5 Reasons Why Hybrid Schedules Are My Dream as a Working Mom

a mom helping her two young boys with homework


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Ava Roman10
Updated: 10/29/2022

This was my morning — I woke up at 5 a.m. so I could fit in a shower but didn’t have time to shave my legs — again. My 3-year-old daughter yelled for me promptly at 5:10. She hadn’t woken up in time and had an accident. 

I scrambled through the morning, trying to get myself and my two girls ready while also throwing sheets in the wash. We had to rush out the door at 7 a.m. so I could drop her off at day care and her big sister at school before heading in to work. 

On the way, my littlest asked me a heartbreaking question. Why don’t you ever play with me?

Does this sound familiar? I don’t know about you, but I’m reaching a breaking point with my traditional 9-to-5 job. Even after I clock out for the day, I still bring projects home I need to wrap up or spend time on the phone with clients who are only available in the evening. 

My daughter is right. I don’t get to play with her much, and it’s killing me. 

Let me tell you a secret — I dream of working a hybrid schedule. One shining light to come out of the pandemic is that more businesses are willing to adapt typical workdays to accommodate working from home sometimes or offering flexible hours. I long for a job that lets me balance being there for my daughters when they need me and getting time away to work with other adults at a job I love. 

That only scratches the surface of why I dream of a hybrid schedule.    

1. Less time commuting.

If I didn’t have to go to the office every day, I would spend far less time stuck in traffic commuting. Just think of the gas we could save by going in a day or two less each week. The savings compound the longer your typical commute is — mine is 30 minutes plus time for day care drop-off. 

Getting to and from work also takes away valuable time from other pursuits. We could be playing with our kids, spending time on a hobby or working on a side hustle. Instead, we’re stuck in a metal box in the middle of the highway.  

2. No more child care worries.

One of the hardest parts about being a working mom is feeling like you have to choose between your job and your kids. Every time my girls get sick, it’s a scramble to decide how to handle it.

A hybrid schedule would let us work from home on those days. We wouldn’t have to choose between caring for our children and doing the work we love. Also, taking fewer days off work means saving them up for a family vacation — a time to get away and recharge to strengthen your bonds and prevent burnout from your job. 

3. Still getting precious adult time.

You may be asking, “If you want to be with your kids so badly, why don’t you just work part time, remotely or not at all?” I get where you’re coming from, but honestly, I might go crazy without consistent adult interaction. Bless you, moms who are capable of staying home with your kids full time. 

A hybrid schedule could be the solution if you need some grown-up time sprinkled into your routine. You get to work from home and head to the office when needed. Your employer may have some stipulations, but this is how it generally works. 

4. Flex work into the evening.

This may not apply to everyone, but I often have to work well into the night to talk to clients or finish projects. Having a job with flexible hours would allow me to take some time during the typical workday to be with my girls and count my evening work as part of my required time.

You should still keep some regular hours during the day and try to flex as little as possible, but having the ability is a nice perk. 

5. Work in the best place for each task.

A hybrid schedule could also make you more efficient at work. I don’t know about your workplace, but mine can get quite distracting. If someone comes to chat with you every time you get into a rhythm, it might not be the best place to conduct those tasks. 

Meetings, however, are much easier to accomplish and tend to be more productive in person. Heading to the office on days you need to coordinate with others would be the best choice. 

You get to choose where you’ll be the most productive and successful each day.  

Could a Hybrid Schedule Be Right for You?

If you feel like me, overwhelmed with everything on my plate and unsure how to fix it, finding a job with a hybrid schedule may be just what you need. The benefits of choosing when and where to work could be life-changing.

You may even be able to negotiate a more flexible schedule with your current employer. It never hurts to ask. I have a meeting with my boss after work today to talk about a change to my workweek. If I can do it, you can too, mama!


This article reflects the views of the author and not necessarily those of Fairygodboss.

Ava Roman, Managing Editor of Revivalist, writes about lifestyle, wellness, and woman's topics. When she is not writing you'll find Ava in a yoga class, advocating for body positivity, or smashing the patriarchy. 

What’s your no. 1 piece of advice for moms hoping to start a hybrid work schedule? Share your answer in the comments to help other Fairygodboss members!

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