5 Signs Your Coworkers Think You're Productive While Working From Home

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Adobe Stock / Fairygodboss Staff

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Eraina Ferguson629
Founder of My Good Life
Updated: 12/21/2021

While studies show that people can actually be more productive while working from home, feeling unproductive — and worrying your coworkers think you are too — can make work more stressful. Here’s how to ensure you both feel and are productive at work — and that your coworkers see how productive you are, too.

1. You’re always on time.

A productive coworker is always on time, no matter what. If you're always on time, your coworkers will see that you show up to work ready to work without wasting any time. If you can start on time every day and be productive, you'll develop a reputation as a reliable and trustworthy employee. 

Being on time also means you take your responsibilities seriously and are always available to help out — because you prioritize your work efficiently. The first sign of a productive coworker is good work habits. They don't slack off on the job, procrastinate, or wait for someone else to do their work. The second sign of a productive coworker is that they accomplish tasks without being told to do so.

2. You’re proactive.

This can range from coming up with solutions to problems, suggesting projects, and volunteering for tasks. Productivity isn't just about getting the job done — it's about being able to get things done efficiently. Proactive people will find ways to do something more quickly or better than before, ensuring their value in the workplace. It may be difficult to tell if someone is proactive at the moment, but you'll start noticing when they're always coming up with something new.

3. You have great communication skills.

The third sign of a productive coworker is that they're articulate in explaining the work being done. It's essential to understand what needs to be done and why this characteristic is crucial. 

Your team will move efficiently and without confusion when you provide detailed instructions. 

4. You’re engaged with your team.

The fourth sign of a productive coworker is that they engage in team-building activities. A good team has members working together to solve problems. Therefore, it's likely that someone who participates in team-building activities also helps others with their work and is thus seen as an asset to the company. 

A productive employee knows how to handle conflicts in an effective way. Disputes can be either constructive or destructive. A conflict between two coworkers resolved through discussion and negotiation is a constructive conflict. A fierce battle leads to name-calling, gossiping or other forms of retaliation. Productive workers always try to avoid conflict. If a coworker has a problem with the employee, the productive worker will resolve the problem by talking to that coworker and asking what the problem is and what they can do to fix it.

5. You're the go-to person.

The fifth sign that your coworkers think you're productive is that they see you as a "go-to" person. In other words, if they need anything from anyone, they'll come to you first. This may be because they know you're dependable and attentive; no matter what task is at hand, you always give it your full attention and do it well. 

Coworkers will also come to you for guidance and ask for your opinion on things if they feel like you've got the experience and knowledge to help them out. 

Even if you’re not feeling productive, if you see these signs at work, know that you’re more than capable of getting the job done. Remember to prioritize and lean on your team when you need it. You got this.

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This article was written by a Fairygodboss Contributor.

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