6 (Brave) Moms Share The Strangest Thing They Do as Parents

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Charlitta Crowder Hatch51
July 27, 2024 at 12:24AM UTC
Let’s admit it, anyone who is a parent has probably uttered these words or some derivative of them: “when I have children, I will never do that!” But once the children come, not only do we do those things... Somehow, without even thinking, we do strange things that we never could have imagined. Six brave moms shared their deepest secret: the strangest thing they do as parents. 

1. I'm scared of nail clippers. 

"I bite my son's toe nails because I am afraid to use the nail clippers on him."  — CH, mother of a 2-year-old son.

2. I believe in no underwear at night. 

"At night, my girls sleep with no underwear because their bodies need to "breathe," as my mom so diligently instilled in me growing up." — SR, mom of 3-year-old and 2-year-old daughters.

3. I don't eat dinner with my son. 

"When [my son] was younger, we regularly put him to bed before we ate dinner ourselves. The 6:30 bedtime was gold. Is that strange?" — AK, mom of a 9-year-old son.

4. I think their saliva is more sanitary than mine. 

"I use my children’s saliva to get rid of any leftover eye crust that I missed when I washed their face before leaving home. In my mind, this feels more sanitary than using my own, although probably not the case." — SG, mom of a 9-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter.

5. I watch my son sleep. 

"I would often watch him sleep at night when he didn’t know it...when he was a teenager." — MP, mom of a 24-year-old son.

6.  I sniff my kids... a lot. 

"When my kids are extra sleepy or cranky, I sniff them.  A lot.  I swear they have a different smell when they are coming down with something. (If I notice before it really sets in, I give them some elderberry syrup and it usually helps prevent sickness.)" — JW, mom of a 5-year-old son, 3-year-old daughter, and 2-year-old son.
Now, it’s your turn: what are some of your strangest motherhood habits?

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