6 Things That Shouldn’t Be on Your Resume in 2021

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Move up in your career
July 27, 2024 at 12:43AM UTC
As we approach the New Year, many are glad to see 2020 in the rearview mirror finally.
It cannot be stated enough how interesting 2020 was, but that also doesn’t mean life doesn’t go on. For many with job losses, financial insecurity, and an unstable economy, tidying up their resume was something they started to take seriously.
However, the dusty resume from a few years ago still might have had some things on it that were less than desirable when it comes to having a resume that stands out.

Just how you want to leave 2020 in the rearview mirror, these things we will cover today regarding your resume are well with leaving behind too.
Today, we will share the things you need to remove from your resume pronto!

1. Paragraphs.

While a resume is your platform to show what you have done and can do, writing paragraphs is a no-go.
Recruiters spent a very brief amount of time checking to see if you are the right candidate, so make sure your resume’s format is bulleted and concise enough to quickly read and understand.
Leave out any unnecessary jargon or miscellaneous information.

2. Full address.

Writing your full address on your resume is antiquated, full of privacy concerns in this day and age, and unnecessary to put it quite frankly, which eats at the conciseness of your resume as a whole. Remove it from your resume, and replace it with the city/town where you live.
 If employers have any questions regarding your place of residence, feel free to provide that information, but otherwise, don’t mention it.

3. Dates (other than work history).

An unfortunate byproduct of the hiring process often comes in age discrimination that affects a multitude of people across different industries.
While lower age is favored socially for most of the workforce, it doesn’t have to come at your expense.  Therefore, to limit that as a variable, stay away from using dates other than Work History.
This includes, but not limited to: 
  • Year of graduation 
  • Certifications/Qualifications 
What matters the most is that you have them, not the date on which you earned them. Leave them off when you list the items above on your resume.  

4. Your lies!

Most people are indifferent to their capabilities. Poll professors and 80% will say they’re in the top 10% in their field. Resumes are no different, which is why you shouldn’t “Lie” even though you don’t think you are!

5. Format inconsistencies.

When your resume has format inconsistencies, it makes it extremely difficult for recruiters to follow along and single out critical information vital for your chances of earning a position. Plus, it’s just unprofessional, enough said. Therefore, make sure you follow these tips below to ensure you’re consistent with your resume’s format.
  1. Calibri 11 pt font/Times New Roman 12 pt font
  2. 1” inch margins
  3. Highlighting IMPORTANT details
  4. Bolded Titles/Subtitles 
  5. Appropriate spacing and indentation 

6. Salary information.

Including your salary information is a cardinal sin on resumes as it will justify employers to lower the potential salary rate offered to you if offered a position. Think about it, what if you stated that you currently make $75,000 per year and they were planning on offering you $95,000?
Knowing this, the potential new employer might only offer you $80,000, a whole $15,000 short! 
Including past or present salary information steer clear of on the front end while in the hiring process, so make sure you don’t include it on your resume.

The verdict

Your resume houses all the information about yourself, your work history, skills, and accolades that give insight to potential employers what you are all about, but as the saying goes, “Sometimes less is more.”
Put another way; there are things that you shouldn’t include!
The name of the game is all about keeping your resume concise, easy to read, and understandable, all while giving yourself as much leverage as possible to make an excellent impression to earn that job you’ve always wanted. Be smart with what you say and how you say it, tell the truth, and make sure it is necessary and relevant in every way.
Small adjustments are crucial for your success, and by following the tips above, you’ll be in the driver’s seat of your success the next time you break out your resume! 
— Michael Dinich 
This article originally appeared on Ladders

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