6 Things To Do Today If You Hate Your Job

woman frustrated at work

Canva / Fairygodboss Staff

Steve Adcock for Wealth of Geeks
Steve Adcock for Wealth of Geeks
Updated: 6/14/2022
For most of us, working isn’t much fun. And this is especially true when we hate our jobs.
When we dislike what we do, our work suffers. We are frustrated and angry all the time. And this relentless hatred can negatively affect our careers. It reduces the quality of our work and keeps us battling a bad attitude.
Being honest and proactive about how we feel is the key to escaping the hatred of what we do for a living. Hoping that things get better rarely works. Instead, doing certain things can help us find a better career fit.

6 Things To Do If You Hate Your Job

If you can’t stand your job, there are a few things that you should be doing right now.

1. Understand what you hate about your job.

The first step to fixing something you don’t like is to precisely understand what you hate. Is it the work hours or work/life balance? Or, maybe the work isn’t challenging you enough, and you feel bored? Perhaps the workplace is toxic, or you don’t get along well with your boss or coworkers.
Whatever the reason, take some time to understand the source of your hatred toward your job and be specific. For instance, “I don’t like what I do” isn’t precise. But, “I am getting too much busywork, and I feel undervalued and underpaid in my position” is much more specific. The better you understand the problem, the better prepared you will be to find a solution to the problem.
Don’t make any significant decisions (i.e., quitting, going back to school, etc.) until you take this first step.

2. Update your resume and have it ready.

I am a huge believer in keeping your resume updated, but this is especially true if your dissatisfaction with your job is high. An updated resume means you can apply for another job at a moment’s notice.
Remember these three resume tips:

1. Tailor your resume to the job opportunity.

Highlight specific skills and experiences that the employer is looking for. Re-order your skills to prioritize the important ones first.

2. A one-page resume is best.

 Most hiring managers don’t have time to read multi-page resumes. It takes managers less than 10 seconds on average before deciding whether or not to call in a candidate for an interview. Keep your resume short and direct.

3. Use confident words. 

Words like led, influenced, launched, trained, built, and negotiated, are examples of power words that work well on resumes that portray confidence.

3. Can you fix the problem without quitting?

Before jumping onto online job boards, consider trying to fix the problem at your current employer first. For instance, talk to your boss about the issues you’re having. You never know, they might be able to shift your responsibilities or transfer you to another department. The Human Resources department is your next step if your problem is with your boss.
Resist letting your hatred fester. Going to work expecting to hate your job is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Good employers want to make sure their staff is happy and healthy. Talk to them.

4. Touch base with your professional network.

If you hate your job, now is the time to get back in touch with your professional network. Have lunch with a few of your closer friends from your network. Start up a conversation and mention that you’re unhappy where you are and could be looking to move shortly. Your network is often your best chance of finding opportunities that you never knew about.
After all, this is why professional networking is so important. The more people you know, the more opportunities you’ll hear about.

5. Start applying for other jobs.

If fixing the problem at your current employer is a lost cause, it’s definitely time to start looking for other jobs, even if you have no immediate desire to move. Always keep a lookout. Know what’s available. Go on a few interviews, even if it’s just to practice your interviewing skills.
There are plenty of online job boards available. But again, check in with your network first, as personal referrals from trusted professionals often give you a giant leg-up in the hiring process. Most employers trust referrals from their staff.
Aim to apply to at least one job per week until you find something that works.

6. Talk to a career coach.

Sometimes, getting a second opinion is a great way to address your dislike of your job. Good career coaches can offer advice you probably never considered.
Great career coaches are open-minded and non-judgemental. 
They are realistic in their approach and understand the industry you work in. And great coaches are also great listeners. They take the time to understand who you are and your career goals before making suggestions for improving your career.
This article originally appeared in Wealth of Geeks.

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