7 Clear Signs That You Should Be Looking For Another Job

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Adobe Stock / Fairygodboss Staff

Steve Adcock at Wealth of Geeks
Steve Adcock at Wealth of Geeks
Updated: 1/31/2022
When you know, you know.
Sometimes, it’s clear that you’ve reached the end of the road in your current position. Being proactive by noticing these signs and looking for another job before things get bad will help us to transition into a new (and better) role quickly and easily.

7 signs you should be looking for a new job

Maybe you are no longer passionate about your career. Or, perhaps you’re not making enough money or you feel like you’re not progressing. Whatever the reason, the signs are usually there. The more you understand these signs, the better prepared you will be to make a change before it’s too late.
It may also help you avoid going weeks without pay if you lose your job.

1. Your company is struggling financially.

If your employer is in financial turmoil, then it’s definitely time to start looking for a new position before layoffs or firings happen. Believe it or not, there are ways to tell if your company falls into this boat without looking directly at the accounting books.
For instance, if your workload has decreased over the last few weeks, that could be a bad sign for the future of the company. Some employers will also start cutting back on perks like lunches, snacks, and holiday parties when times get tough.
Additionally, if you notice that top management is bailing from the company, that’s a clear and convincing sign that something is wrong. This is also true if your company’s top performers leave for greener pastures.

2. You feel stagnant.

One of the best ways to destroy a career is to stop learning. Learning keeps us active and motivated, and it also helps beef up your resume with new experiences and qualifications.
This doesn’t just include the work you do. It also includes professional development resources like company-provided online training, conferences, and other training opportunities.
If your current employer no longer offers these types of learning opportunities, or you’ve already taken advantage of them, then it may be time to switch jobs.

3. Your salary isn’t going up.

Most companies at least offer cost-of-living raises every year, but this isn’t always true anymore. If your company has stopped offering raises, or you’re not getting enough of a raise, be proactive.
If you generally like the company that you work for, asking for a raise instead of switching companies could be a better way to go. When asking for a raise, be sure to come to the table with tangible accomplishments. Remember, you don’t “want” a raise. You “deserve” one.
But if this hasn’t worked and you still feel underpaid, start looking around for other opportunities. Most job openings include a salary range. But, keep in mind that you should balance your salary with the demands of the job. Is another $20,000 a year worth 50 to 60-hour workweeks?
Only you can answer that question.

4. Your workplace is toxic or unhealthy.

Let’s face it, some office environments are not conducive to productivity. Backstabbing, office politics, and passive-aggressiveness can quickly turn an office into a toxic environment. Or, maybe you and your boss just don’t get along. Maybe your coworkers are overly combative by taking credit for your accomplishments.
If you don’t feel comfortable working at your employer because of the office environment or your relationship with your coworkers, sticking around may no longer be worth it.

5. You think that you might be fired.

If you feel like you’re next in line to be fired or laid off, then make it a priority to look for another position as quickly as possible.
Signs that you might be fired include a reduction in your workload, a negative performance rating, you’re no longer invited to meetings that you were once involved in, your boss is ignoring you or, in some cases, you’ve received verbal warnings or threats from management.
Follow your hunch. If you feel like you might be next on the chopping block, look for more work now before it happens.

6. You’re just tired of your job.

If your job no longer excites you, then it’s probably time to explore other options. But, this is more difficult than you might expect. Changing careers often involves a lot of self-reflection and understanding what truly motivates you.
First, understand why you’re no longer excited about your current career. Is it the work? Or, maybe it’s your work schedule? Maybe you want a better work/life balance? Whatever it is, understand it.
Then, make an action plan. Brainstorm different career options. Take a look at job boards for job opportunities. Do you need to go back to school to meet the qualifications? Do you need to be certified in a particular area? Will your salary likely go up or go down as a result of this career change?
Then, don’t be afraid to utilize your network to find other opportunities. Former coworkers might provide you with a positive reference or know of an opportunity. This is why professional networks are so important. If you’re looking to change your career, use your network.

7. Your company hasn’t embraced flexible work options.

In the age of Covid, more and more companies are embracing flexible work options.
But, this won’t always be possible for all companies. If you’re tired of working from an office, or you feel unsafe working in close proximity to other people, then it might be time to look for work elsewhere. Many companies have embraced remote work options for their staff.

What's your no. 1 sign it's time for you to leave your job?  Share your answer in the comments to help other Fairygodboss members!

Steve Adcock is an early retiree who writes about mental toughness, financial independence and how to get the most out of your life and career. As a regular contributor to The Ladders, CBS MarketWatch and CNBC, Adcock maintains a rare and exclusive voice as a career expert, consistently offering actionable counseling to thousands of readers who want to level-up their lives, careers, and freedom. Adcock's main areas of coverage include money, personal finance, lifestyle, and digital nomad advice. Steve lives in a 100% off-grid solar home in the middle of the Arizona desert and writes on his own website at SteveAdcock.us.
This article was originally produced by Wealth of Geeks.

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