7 Habits of the Luckiest People You Can Start Copying Today

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Taylor Tobin1.84k
Updated: 7/2/2019

By definition, “luck” isn’t a quality that you can develop and cultivate. Either you’re lucky or you’re not; end of story. 

However, those blessed with consistent good fortune do frequently share characteristics that can elevate them to even more auspicious positions. The jury’s still out on whether these habits form because of their inherent good luck or whether the good luck comes as a result of these behaviors and choices... but either way, it couldn’t hurt to fold these actions into your regular routine.

1. They take active initiatives to achieve their goals.

In a recent article, Power of Positivity shared the following piece of advice for the luck-deprived: “In order to create your own luck, go out and find it! Take extra classes if they will help you better your skills. Go out and talk to people. Become active in the charting of your own future, and luck will find you.” Their key point centers around the idea that- contrary to popular belief- lucky people don’t wait around for good things to happen. Instead, they find their own opportunities and figure out ways to use their skills and talents to bring them closer to their goals.

2. They hone their communication skills.

Lucky people understand that connecting with others can often provide access to job leads, event invitations, and training possibilities that can lead to a more positive professional and personal life. Therefore, they spend time and energy developing their communication skills and putting themselves in situations where they can meet interesting and engaging people. 

3. They seek out opportunities and make necessary connections.

As we mentioned previously, proactivity is a major indicator of a person’s luck quotient. So it stands to reason that a lucky person will attend networking events and industry mixers and will pay close attention to the other attendees, gathering business cards wherever possible and forging relationships that could ultimately prove beneficial to both parties.

4. They maintain a positive mindset.

If you’re going through a tough time on the career front, it’s easy to succumb to negative thoughts and to fall into a defeatist funk. However, lucky people prioritize positivity above all else. Of course, this could be partially because their “luck” prevents them from experiencing many major disappointments... but if luck is a self-fulfilling prophecy, then keeping your outlook optimistic can only improve your odds of finding success.

5. They use creative methods to solve problems.

Take a moment to think about the luckiest people you know. How do they approach the problem-solving process? Do they follow standard courses of action, or do they tend to think outside the box? For many lucky folks, the latter proves true. For that reason, you may want to try some unorthodox methods of your very own; breaking out of a rut can reveal a plethora of new possibilities.

6. They keep themselves flexible and open-minded.

Overly-rigid thought patterns, schedules, and structures can impede natural energy flows (and can therefore compromise your luck potential). But if you remain open-minded to new ideas and new means of achieving your goals, you’ll be well-positioned for exciting opportunities.

7. They trust their own insight.

Lucky people have a remarkable knack for believing in their own instincts (which makes sense, since they’re naturally fortunate!). Psychology Today suggests that everyone (even those who don’t consider themselves lucky) should pay more attention to their own implicit knowledge, explaining that “we all have insight to varying degrees, yet some are better than others at being open to hearing those inner voices. Making use of this knowledge depends on your ability to access this information and trust in yourself.”


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