It's safe to say we're all thinking about how we can be more eco-friendly in our everyday lives. We aim to use less electricity at home, make our own coffee rather than buy it, and recycle as much as we can. At the same time, we need to think about how we affect the planet at work. Here are some ways that you can be more eco-friendly at the office — and the good news is they're easy to implement.
At the office, you're used to leaving everything on and just walking out the door at 5pm. The PCs, lights, and everything else stay on. That's a significant amount of power that's getting used for nothing — as no one's there using it. Instead, implement a rule that at the end of the day, the electronics, lights, and HVAC should all be turned off. This won't take long, and you'll save in your utility bills to boot.
Did you know that you can shop around for energy providers that use green power? It's easier than you'd think. All you have to do is start calling around, and ask about energy providers' green energy plans. There are many providers out there that have them, and the energy provided usually comes from wind and solar power. They're often cheaper than regular plans as well, so it'll pay to start looking into them too.
This is something more and more offices are doing, as it brings about so many benefits. For example, being a paperless office means no more paying for paper and printing, as well as saving on storage space for files. “The biggest benefit is to the environment, though. Going paperless can save as much on greenhouse gas emissions as taking 280,000 cars off the road for an entire year. It's easier than ever to go paperless with the current tech out there, so you'll want to look into it,” explains Nicole Adams, an eco writer at Subjecto and HuffPost.
In the summer, it's very easy to kick the thermostat up and have the AC on at lower temperatures. That means the office is often overly air conditioned, and you're using a lot of power. You can combat this with changing the thermostat by just a few degrees. Having the AC kick on at 75 degrees rather than 74 will consume 30,000 fewer kilowatts every year, helping the planet and your bank balance.
Having more natural light in your office is always going to be a good thing. It makes the office more inviting, helps your staff's circadian rhythms, and can even increase productivity by up to 15%. Of course, it's also better for the environment. If you're bringing in more natural light, you'll be able to use less energy, which of course helps the planet. Adding in timers for lighting and switching to LEDs, will also help minimize how much power you use.
Think about the items your staff use every day, especially in the kitchen. You can buy single serving items for them, such as sugar, salt and pepper, and so on. You may feel they're more convenient, but they're a real drain on the environment. If you start buying these supplies in bulk though, you'll see that it's actually simpler to do so. You'll find them easier in the store, and staff can just use what they need.
You likely have a recycling bin at home, but do you have one in the office? If you don't, you'll want to be sure to get one. Your staff will be using items every day that can be recycled, such as plastic drinks bottles and paper. Mark the bins properly so staff know which one to use, and you'll be off to a good start.
Want to help your staff get to work in a greener way? Add a bike rack to your premises. It's a very simple addition to make, but it makes all the difference. Anyone who wants to bike to work can leave their bike somewhere safe, and you'll be helping take cars off the road every day.
These are all very simple ways you can change your office to be more eco-friendly. Try making a few of these changes, and you'll see what a difference they make.
This article reflects the views of the author and not necessarily those of Fairygodboss.