8 Hot Jobs Recruiters Can't Fill Fast Enough in 2021

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July 27, 2024 at 12:12AM UTC
A new year has begun with the idea that 2021 will be much better than 2020 given everything we endured last year, both personally and professionally, due to COVID-19.
So many industries had to deal with businesses within them collapsing, and thousands of employees being laid off or furloughed due to the problems presented by the pandemic. But stay tuned, folks, because good things are on the horizon for some, if not many, prospective employees. 
Recruiters cannot wait to get the ball rolling on hiring people for necessary jobs this year. Things haven’t rebounded just yet compared to where we were at the beginning of COVID, but there appear to be some industries that are reversing the atmosphere they had to suffer through over the past several months. And the pay that they are offering for a myriad of positions available is quite appetizing to the eye. 
If you happen to be someone recruiters-will-throw-your-resume-in-the-trash-after-a-few-seconds">who is out of work or looking for a fresh start, then these eight jobs are ones to look out for from a recruiter’s POV. They are desirable, well-paying and could lead to something much bigger for you as your own personal career ladder continues to grow. 


There are jobs for a variety of writers out there that come with a very hefty paycheck. Copywriters and Technical Writers, for example, can earn up to $110,000 per year doing this kind of work.  Because of this, there are plenty of writing-specific recruiters who will go above and beyond to showcase how fabulous you are in hopes that you will land a very profitable and exciting job.

Healthcare Manager

2020 was a significant year for healthcare workers but 2021 is shaping up to be pretty phenomenal too. Are you educated in the world of healthcare and have a professional background as well? Recruiters in this field are buzzing this year with jobs that will make you mint.
Positions listed like Clinical Pharmacists ($200 to $250K a year), Health Services Manager ($150K-$200K a year) and Biomedical Engineering Managers ($150 to $200K a year) are just some that are waiting for you to click on and apply to. 

Developer and IT Manager

From entry-level to high areas of expertise, the world of tech appears to be booming in 2021. And the money is there too in case you are looking to find something that will keep your piggy bank happy and filled. Some of the more savvy and high-paying positions recruiters are looking to fill include Big Data Engineers, Data Architects, Mobile Applications Developers and Information Systems Security Managers. What’s fabulous about these is that the range of pay goes right below the $100K mark all the way to $225K.  

Registered Nurse and Nurse Practitioner

The need for registered nurses and nurse practitioners grew exponentially due to COVID-19 in 2020. These are jobs that pay close to if not more than $100K a year meaning you’ll be financially satisfied while being our everyday heroes who are fighting the good fight on the frontlines of this pandemic.

Financial Manager

According to NASDAQ the need for Financial Managers is on the rise in 2021. This is due to them being a necessary asset for companies who want to spend less while putting money into their own bank. It’s their job to keep the said business on a day-to-day plan related to this all while getting things together so that their future is much more profitable.

Marketing/Advertising Manager

If you’re the kind of employee that excels in marketing or advertising the company you work for or the person that you are then the money will follow. Thousands of jobs are available for both in 2021 where you’ll be looking at a nifty $100K plus salary should you fit the requirements. 


Lawyers represent all kinds of people and companies out there with one goal in mind: to help them win whatever kind of case is presented to them. They also win in the paycheck department as the Transactional, Corporate Knowledge and Real Estate Lawyers usually make between $100-$150K a year.
— Ryan Shea
This article originally appeared on Ladders

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