9 Perfectly Acceptable Reasons to Quit Your Job Right Now

woman frustrated at work


Marjolein Dilven for Wealth of Geeks
Marjolein Dilven for Wealth of Geeks
Updated: 2/25/2022
Deciding to quit a job is never easy. Whether you’ve been there for years or only a couple of months, you don’t have to live with stress and unhappiness. Thankfully, it's an employee’s job market right now, so you don't have to live this way. You have a lot of employment options.
If you’re looking for some moral support to quit your job, you’ll find it here.

9 Reasons to Quit Your Job

1. You work in a toxic work environment.

The work environment is a massive factor in your overall well-being. Toxic workplaces can harm your mental and physical health.
A toxic work environment consists of both leadership and culture. Toxic workplaces overflow with struggles, such as abusive leadership or inconsistent expectations. That leads to low morale and high turnover rates.
Some other signs that your workplace may have a toxic culture are issues between co-workers, gossiping behind people’s backs, or cliques within the organization.
Toxic work environments are not suitable for anyone. They may be stressful, cause anxiety or depression, or have long-term physical implications. Some people love the thrill of the chase, but it’s better to move on for others.

2. You’re bored in your current role.

It’s time to move on to the next job when you’re bored. I know that it can sound scary, but sometimes it’s necessary to move on. For example, if you feel bored in your current role, you might miss out on some new opportunities.
Top three reasons to quit your job when you are bored.
  1. You’ll have more time for the things that you love

  2. You’ll have a better chance of reaching your goals

  3. You’'l get an opportunity for more variety in your work life

If you want to do something else entirely, it is an option to go back to school or start a business. When the reasons for wanting something other than your current job include boredom, these options will ensure you're not anymore.

3. You hate your job.

We often hear that we should do what we love and not what we hate. But this advice is easier said than done. It becomes more complicated when we start thinking about the financial implications of the decision and the bills we need to pay.
Sometimes it’s just time to move on from a company that doesn't value your skills or passion or offers you growth opportunities, especially if you hate that job.
Leaving your company can be tricky, but it gives you a clearer image of where you want to go next in your career.

4. It no longer fits your lifestyle.

The thing about today’s job market is that i’'s not just about the work. It’s also about your lifestyle. And if you’re forced to work long hours or your working environment isn’t healthy, then it might be time to find a new position.
If quitting your job is an option, then you might want to consider the following points before you take the plunge:
  • Are you prepared financially?

  • Are you ready for what comes after quitting?

  • Have you considered what type of work would be best for your needs?

Quitting your job can be an exciting new chapter in life, or it can end up being not entirely what you hoped it would be. Therefore, it's essential to prepare yourself and ensure that this is the right decision before taking the step.
When specific benefits are vital for you, like taking time off work to be with your family, simply search for companies with the best benefits and apply to one of these companies.

5. There’s no room to grow.

There are many reasons why someone might want to quit their job, but if the company doesn't seem to care about your growth – it may be time to make a change.
Many people browse for new jobs when they feel like they aren't performing to their capacity or don't get enough opportunities.
If there’s no room for growth, create your path. Think about what you want your career to look like in 5-10 years and take steps today to get there.
You can propose to follow a training or take on different tasks at your current job. When that doesn't work, you can always take faith into your own hands and look for another job that provides what you're looking for.
The good part? It gets easier to look for a position when you know exactly what you want. 

6. You don’t feel appreciated at your job.

We sometimes take people and things for granted. When you’re taken for granted at your job, that may lead to the feeling of not being appreciated.
It is not uncommon for people to start feeling unappreciated at work, and it is essential to realize that people like your manager also have their off days. Therefore, they won't be on top of their game 100% of the time.
However, if it’s something structural and you feel like it's ingrained in the company culture, you can always think about finding another job.

7. The commute.

Many people want to have control over their lives and not live only to work. Of course, one primary consideration is the commute.
If you work at a job near where you live, your commute will be short, and driving there won't take much time out of your day. However, the opposite is true if you work far away from where you live. If this is the case, every day might feel like a part-time job because it will take up so much of your time getting there and back home again – not including the hours at work itself.
Researchers at the University of Melbourne have found that people who commute for more than 45 minutes each way experience a significant increase in anxiety and depressive symptoms.
A long commute may be okay if you love your job. For others, it’s the reason to look for something new. Especially now that we know most jobs can be done from home, there’s no real reason to come to the office anyway. If the commute is something you're struggling with, ask if you can work from home 2-3 days per week — or full-time.

8. You don’t want to get out of bed in the morning.

Many people are trapped in jobs that they don’t want to be in. They are stuck in a daily routine that they don't enjoy.
The first thing you should do is talk to your boss or employer about it. Let them know what has been bothering you about the job and try to find ways for you both to reach a compromise. It's important not to leave on bad terms with anyone because this could jeopardize any chances of future employment.
If talking to your boss doesn't work, or nothing changes after you do, then maybe it's time for Plan B. Look for a job that doesn't make you dread getting out of bed.

9. You’ve found a new job.

Quitting your job doesn't always have to be a long and drawn-out process. When you’re confident that you’ve found a new job, and the contract is signed, and everything is finalized, then it’s time to pack up your desk and say goodbye.
You could just call or send an email to your boss informing them of the situation. Then, hand in your two weeks’ notice, talk about what they expect from you, and enjoy your newfound job. It helps keep things professional, even if you're excited to start a new chapter in life.

6 Steps to Make A Successful Career Change.

When one or more situations apply to you, you may want to consider quitting your job. For example, let’s say you can’t fix the issues you’re having right now, and you want to leave your job.
However, we want to plan before you pick up your stuff and leave. If you're going to leave your job, you want to do it on good terms. So here are the steps to make a successful career change.

1. Know your financial situation.

First of all, it’s essential to know your financial situation. How much money do you need to support yourself? Where can you cut back on the short term? It’s vital to have your finances in order, have an emergency fund, and have enough money to quit without having to worry if you can eat next month.
When you know where you stand financially, you can decide what to do. You can determine if you’re going to leave your job soon, or you wait until you have another job lined up. You can decide if you're going to accept the first offer that comes by, or you're only going to leave the current company for your dream job.
When you quit your job, it's wise to have at least three to six months of living expenses saved in an emergency fund if you have more, even better.

2. Get support from family and friends.

The proper support from family and friends is often the most crucial step in making a career change. It can help you to feel more confident about the decision you've made and provide moral support when things get tough.
Support can come in many different forms, but the most important of all is that it is unconditional. It means that they will stick by you long after your career change has paid off or failed. That's what makes it unique and gives you that extra push to take the next step.

3. Make a plan.

You want to prevent you’re quitting your job only to find yourself in the same situation you’re currently in. How will you do that? By making a plan.
Think about where you want to be in a couple of years and how you want to get there. Then, check out the career options you can take to get there and how much you like these options.
When you make a plan, you want to create steps that you can easily follow. For example, if you wish to start your own business, work a part-time job, or get a full-time gig, it's crucial to think about the steps it'll take you to get there.

4. Let your employer know.

Let your employer know when you’ve made your plan and committed to it. You may not be required to give your employer knowledge, but it's the norm to provide two weeks’ notice. Your employer may ask for more, and it's up to you to decide what you want to do with that.
Hand in your resignation letter to let your manager know you are resigning and quitting your job. You can disclose your reasons for leaving your current employer, but you don't have to. Many companies will set up an exit interview on your last day, where HR will ask you several questions about your departure.
It’s good to know, so you can think about what you want to tell them and be prepared. You can tell HR that you have a good reason for leaving, explain what has been going on, and be honest. If you don't want to, you can just say you're leaving for personal reasons, or you want to pursue new opportunities.

5. Update your resume and cover letter.

A resume is a persuasive advertisement to prospective employers, and it is the most crucial document in your job search. A good resume sells you, your skills, and your abilities.
The cover letter is an invitation to the interview. The employer will read it before reading your resume. It sells you your skills and is the perfect document to complement your resume.

6. Don’t burn any bridges.

The last step of the career change process is to ensure that you don't burn any bridges. If you want to move on and leave your current company, it's essential to leave on good terms without burning bridges.
Know how you handle your departure, how you stay in touch with former colleagues, and how you talk about your new job with current clients. There are numerous ways people leave their jobs these days – resigning or getting let go, but all of them will be easier if both parties have a clear understanding of what's going on.

Should You Quit My Job?

There are many situations in which you may contemplate quitting your job. For example, when you hate your job, or there's no room to grow, most people will start to look for another position.
Before you quit your job, make sure you have a plan and know how to deal with your finances. Have a 3-6 month emergency fund to navigate this process as stress-free as possible. Make sure that you and your family are on the same page. Then, when you’re prepared and financially and emotionally supported, you’ll be able to take the next big step.
This article originally appeared in Wealth of Geeks.

What’s your no. 1 way to tell that it’s time for you to quit? Share your answer in the comments to help other Fairygodboss members!

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