9 Things Not to Do at Work During Aquarius Season

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Leah Thomas866
Updated: 1/22/2019

With the official beginning of Aquarius season on the 20th came the official ending of Capricorn season. Capricorn season was all about working hard, setting goals and doing everything in your power to achieve them. But Aquarius season is about building and improving on your relationships. We've laid out the best tips to surviving and thriving during Aquarius season.

1. Don’t be afraid to express your feelings.

Aquarius season is all about communication. During this time, you’ll feel more open to improving on your communication with others, especially with those you work with. Try to embrace this; if you’ve been feeling a disconnect with your colleagues, plan an outing together to improve on your relationships. 

2. Don’t give in to your introverted side.

Even though the weather is cold and there’s snow on the ground, Aquarius season is about venturing out and taking advantage of your social side. Instead of working from home to avoid those cold temperatures, choose to work in the office. Talk to your boss, your coworkers or other people in your building. Don’t be afraid to be social!

3. Be open to group work.

Even if you typically prefer working alone, this is the time to take on some group work. Everyone is feeling that extra social Aquarius energy, which is perfect for working together on a project that would be too difficult to complete by yourself.

4. Don’t be close-minded.

Aquarius season is all about creativity and imagination. Use your creative thinking skills to solve an office problem, rather than going for a logical, black-and-white solution. Access your creative side when giving a presentation or pitching an idea to your boss.

5. Don’t be afraid to try something new.

While you’ll be feeling extra creative, you’ll also be experiencing an eagerness to learn something new. This is the time to explore other areas in your field you may not have wanted to explore before. Have your colleagues teach you about an unknown department, or take a class outside of work to help you improve on your skills in the office.

6. Don’t be afraid to be goofy.

Aquarius season is the time to be your true self. While everyone is feeling extra social and accepting, show your colleagues your fun side. Crack a joke here and there. Live a little!

7. Don’t stress out over your goals.

Capricorn season was the time to set and achieve goals. And while you should always be working toward something, especially in the workplace, you can’t give 100 percent at all times. Allow yourself to relax a little during Aquarius season. Focus more on improving your fun, social relationships rather than stressing over your office performance. 

8. Don’t stick to your core group at work.

While you’re feeling more extroverted than normal, encourage yourself to reach out to someone you wouldn’t normally reach out to. This is the time to access your networking skills — try to build a professional relationship with someone in a different department or someone you could partner with at a different company. 

9. Don’t focus all of your energy on work.

You are probably (okay, definitely) burnt out from all of your hard work during Capricorn season. It’s important to give yourself a little relaxation. Take time out of your work day to do something you enjoy: read a book, take a walk outside, go to lunch with a colleague, meditate. Enjoy your work day!

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