9 Things Successful Women Do Within the First 90 Days of a Job

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Anna Medina51
Updated: 3/9/2021

Everything in our lives constantly changes—and jobs are no exception. You may be tired of your current job. You may be looking for a better salary or simply want to work for a more successful company. Your organization may merge with another company or downsize. No matter why your job changes, it’s always a transition. You have new responsibilities, relationships with new people, a new work environment, and a new boss.

Therefore, there’s no surprise that switching jobs is often a very stressful process. At the same time, the period of transition is unavoidable. The first 90 days on the job are a crucial period that can have a strong impact on your success in the new company and your career as a whole. Here are 9 ways to succeed within those 90 days.

1. Introduce yourself.

We often feel anxious in new situations because we’re afraid to introduce ourselves. However, if you want to build a good reputation in a new job, you should demonstrate confidence and enthusiasm. This is especially important for female employees who may deal with more criticism and prejudice than their male coworkers.

A great solution to feeling anxious about introductions is to prepare your opening lines in advance. Imagine yourself talking to a coworker, manager or boss. Think of how you’re going to start or continue the conversation and jot down a little script so that you won’t forget something important when it comes to actual conversation. It’s also worth talking to your manager about what people you should get to know.

Pay attention to your surroundings and people’s reactions. While introducing yourself, look at the way the other person reacts. If they’re getting distracted over and over again, make your introduction as short as possible. If they appear receptive, you may use this opportunity to get to know that person better. Sometimes, you can create a great impression by simply listening to the other person.

2. Ask the right questions at the right time.

When you start to work on a new job, chances are you’ll have many questions. Don’t be afraid to ask others about anything you don’t understand. People demonstrate better performance when they ask questions and get the necessary answers quickly. It’s better to clarify all the details at the beginning so you can succeed in future tasks.

First, determine what you need to know. Write down a list of things that you want to know more about and sort them by priority. Some questions are perfect for when you’re meeting with your manager, while others can easily be answered by your coworkers. If you have a lot of questions for somebody, consider setting up a meeting dedicated specifically to those topics. That way, you will create a dedicated environment for a productive discussion and demonstrate that you value other people’s time.

3. Make friends.

Don’t be afraid to ask your colleagues for coffee or lunch. Whether it’s somebody who’s been working in this company for many years or another newcomer, you will certainly feel more comfortable in the new workplace if you develop trusted relationships with others. Employees even tend to be more productive when they develop social ties.

Get to know your team. Be an active member of a small community that consists of your coworkers and managers. By communicating with your coworkers and observing their working process, you’ll be able to quickly familiarize yourself with the company’s culture and make your own contribution.

You should be realistic about your capabilities and remain confident, but you should also acknowledge the fact that you won’t be able to accomplish everything if you do it alone. Always identify people who can show you the ropes and make sure to establish professional connections with them as soon as possible. They might even help you establish new useful connections.

4. Define expectations.

When you’re at the beginning of a new period in your career, it’s especially important to create realistic expectations and figure out what others expect from you. Career growth and development are impossible without constant self-improvement—and if you want to improve, you should have a clear direction.

Dedicate some time to clarify your expectations with your manager. You should know how you will collaborate with the rest of the team, what you need to accomplish, how your performance will be evaluated, and how you can get the necessary resources. For instance, your new company may use certain project tracking tools or email tools that you’ve never used before. Make sure to prepare all your questions before meeting with your manager and figure out what goals have the highest priority.

5. Manage your time efficiently.

Effective organization is always important when it comes to adapting to a new job. Once you’ve determined clear goals, efficient time-management can be the main factor that determines your success. The key to efficient time-management is prioritizing tasks. Making a list or even a pie chart that includes where you’re spending your time can be helpful. 

6. Embrace challenges.

If you’re a newbie, you may underestimate your capabilities. According to psychologists, we often determine who we are based on the context of our observations. However, the truth is that you can also determine the context and confidently own your narrative. 

If you manage to establish your own context, it will be easier for you to control any anxiety you may have about your new environment. You should be careful during the first days of a new job, but it doesn’t mean that you cannot be ambitious. Don’t be afraid to tackle challenges and to explore new areas. While you may not reach every goal, you can learn from your mistakes and boost your professional and personal growth.

7. Set boundaries.

When you just start to work at a new company, you may need to compromise on some of your boundaries. During the first month, you may need to stay late or come earlier than usual. You may also face some extra workload and take on extra projects because you do not have a clear schedule and well-defined objectives yet.

Blurring some of your boundaries at first is rather a natural response to a new environment. You need others to accept you, and you want to show how good you are. However, make sure to reestablish your boundaries once you’ve settled into your new job. You should remain a team player, but you should also be ready to say “no.”

When you’re a new employee who demonstrates a lot of enthusiasm, others may start to take advantage of you and make you do more work than you actually need. Setting boundaries is important for both your productivity and your mental health. 

8. Set up a three-month review.

A three-month review is a regular practice in many organizations. Even if this practice isn’t formalized in your company, you can still talk to your manager and set up an informal review. A review like this is a great opportunity for both of you to evaluate your results, consider your expectations and determine whether or not you’re still on the same page.

You can also use the three-month review to figure out future goals. Now that you know much more about the company’s objectives and priorities, it will be much easier for you and your manager to set the right milestones and plan for the future.

9. Reconnect with old coworkers.

Once you’ve settled on your new job, don’t hesitate to reconnect with your old coworkers and learn how they spent the last three months. Maintaining a professional network is very important if you want to stay up to date about things that happen in your industry and the job market. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with learning about other job opportunities.

As much as 65% of employees start to look for another job again within the first 90 days of working in a new company. Of course, it doesn’t mean that you should leave your job quickly. However, if you feel like it’s time to look for a new job and the new place doesn’t meet your expectations or you cannot fit in the team, having a backup plan is always a good thing.

Adapting to a new working environment can be a very stressful process, but you can make it significantly less intimidating if you prepare for it. Don’t forget that your confidence is one of the most important factors in determining your success, so believe in yourself—no matter how challenging your first 90 days on a new job are.


Anna is a specialist in different types of writing. She graduated from the Interpreters Department, but creative writing soon became her favorite type of work. Now she improves her skills while working as a specialist at writing service review websites Online Writers RatingBest Writers Online to assist a lot of students all over the world. You can find her on LinkedInTwitterFacebook and Medium.

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