I Signed 100 Clients in 100 Days Without Spending Any Money — Here’s How I Did It

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Brittany Alexander10
July 26, 2024 at 11:27PM UTC

Those of us with entrepreneurial spirits daydream constantly about the glamor and freedom of owning our own company. But the reality of quitting your job and having to build a company from scratch is terrifying. How will we make money? What if we don’t get any clients?

Society tells us that we need to have six months of expenses saved up before we can go solo, or that we need to take out loans for office space and employees. 

That was true… 30 years ago. Maybe even a decade ago. 

Today, aspiring entrepreneurs have a much more powerful tool. 

A tool that doesn’t need office space or savings. A tool so simple that it’s right at their fingertips: social media.

Social media is so powerful that the day after I quit my job to start my law firm, I already had three clients signed up to work with my firm; 100 days later, I had over 100 clients.

I didn’t have six months of expenses saved when I quit. I didn’t have an office space (actually, I still don’t). I didn’t have money to spend on advertising or employees. I had social media.

Months before quitting my job, I began marketing my services using free social media platforms. I created content explaining my clients’ most-asked questions or issues and posted that content on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, and even LinkedIn.

I wasn’t running ads; I wasn’t even boosting posts. I was simply recording short, entertaining, and educational videos explaining my clients’ general pain points and confusion, and then posting the videos online. 

I got my first lead from my first-ever video talking about how much property insurance claims are worth. Not exactly a sexy topic, but I realized that I could reach thousands of potential clients just by providing free informational videos on social media.

I created a system to attract and convert clients using free social media content. I would create a short (less than one minute) video about a frequently asked question or other client successes, and I would post it online with my contact information.

Followers or visitors would see the video and contact me about their own problems. Boom, I had a new client! I consistently posted new videos every week and reached more and more potential clients.

Once I was bringing in enough clients consistently through my social media marketing, I quit to start my own firm, knowing I would have enough business coming in the door to actually make money.

My law firm hit seven figures in the first full year without spending a dime on advertising. We got 100% of our clients through social media, or through a referral from someone who follows me on social media.

Over $1 million in revenue with a $0 advertising budget. So much for “saving up to go solo” or “not making any money the first year.”

The reality of quitting your job and having to build a company from scratch is terrifying, and quite frankly, I would not recommend it. 

Don’t start from scratch. 

Build up your social media marketing so that you are bringing business to your current position. When your marketing funnel is consistent enough, take the leap to open your business. Then continue using those marketing methods for your company to bring business in the door. You won’t have to wait a year to make money—that daydream about the glamor and freedom of owning our own company will soon be your reality.


This article reflects the views of the author and not necessarily those of Fairygodboss.

Brittany Alexander is the Founder & CEO of Premier Property Law in Florida. To learn how she was able to sign 100 clients in 100 days without spending any money on ads, watch her free workshop Accelerated Content. You can connect with Brittany on Instagram @Lawyer.Britt or YouTube.

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