Working Moms Are So Not About This (Bizarre) Flowchart for Women Being Shared on Twitter

Working mother


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Working Mother69
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Updated: 12/17/2018
Most people understand that it's fine for moms to have careers and that they should feel free to choose based on their own preference and the needs of their families. Unfortunately, some people don't see it that way and can't help but air their outdated opinions—such as this woman who went viral with an absurd chart putting down working mothers.
Lori Alexander, a blogger and possible professional troll, posted a flow chart on Twitter explaining what happens when mothers have careers. Spoiler alert: she's not a big fan of working moms.

She describes working moms as being away all of the time and constantly exhausted while describing stay-at-home moms as always with their kids and not tired, because they simply rest during nap time. SAHMs also always make dinner from scratch and get to have fun weekends—at least in her mind.

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Source: Twitter

As you would imagine, most people did not take kindly to this post and the judgments made against working moms. Some people pointed out that this woman's ideas are reminiscent of a certain popular television show...

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Others joked that her chart seemed to be about a century behind our current society.

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Current and former SAHMs also piped up to bash the chart and point out how unrealistic it is.

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Not to mention how completely ridiculous some points are. Getting rest while your kids nap? Yeah, right.

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Sorry to break it to Lori, but there are plenty of examples that prove her wrong, like these stories about awesome working moms.

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And there are tons of holes in her chart that were picked apart. For example, what are single moms supposed to do? Where do dads fit in?

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Hopefully Lori reads through her replies and maybe reconsiders her beliefs on working moms. If she does, she'll see examples of moms (both working and SAHM) that lead fulfilling lives precisely because they are making their own choices and living the way they want to while doing what is best for themselves and their families. And if not, then Dahlia Adler has the perfect message for her.

Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter
— Joseph Barberio 
This story originally appeared on Working Mother

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