Answer These 7 Qs, And We'll Tell You What Your Work Communication Style Says About Your Personality

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Adobe Stock / Fairygodboss Staff

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July 27, 2024 at 12:15AM UTC

What’s your work communication style, and what does it say about your work personality? Answer these seven quiz questions to find out — and how to use your communication style to achieve your next career goal.


1. Your coworker has repeatedly completed a task incorrectly. You:

A. Figure they’re still learning it, and continue to fix it for them.

B. Quickly confront them about it.

C. Bring it up in the next team meeting so everyone can help them out.

D. Send them a message letting them know how to correct their work.

2. It’s the beginning of a team meeting. You:

A. Wait for the meeting leader to fill you in on the agenda.

B. Immediately ask the meeting leader to get things started.

C. Wait for the meeting leader to start, then follow up with your questions at the end.

D. Ask for a quick run-down of the meeting before the meeting leader starts.

3. A teammate schedules a meeting with you to get some feedback on ideas. You:

A. Listen intently, then give them written feedback after the call.

B. Give them direct, quick feedback as they list their ideas.

C. Give them some of your initial thoughts, then follow up later with some alternate ideas.

D. Wait until they’ve gone through their ideas, then give them detailed opinions on each one.

4. You’ve just started a new job and are stuck on a part of a project. You:

A. Spend some time digging through documents, research and other resources before asking for help.

B. Tell your manager right away that you need some help.

C. Look around for some answers, then decide to bring it up later during your next project meeting.

D. Do some digging, then set up some time with your manager.

5. There’s tension at work between your teammates and you’re about to go into a team meeting. You:

A. Stay out of it! You don’t want to feed into the fire.

B. Address it directly at the start of the meeting. You don’t want it to affect the team’s work.

C. Wait and see if there’s tension during the meeting, then follow up after if you think it’s affecting the team’s work.

D. Ask the team broadly how they’re feeling at the start of the meeting, then get to work.

6. Your manager presents the initial strategy for the next quarter at a team meeting. You:

A. Take diligent notes and note what to sync with them later on.
B. Start sharing your ideas and feedback right away.

C. Share some initial opinions, then note your feedback for the next 1:1 meeting.

D. Ask follow-up questions and share feedback after you’ve processed the strategy a bit more.

7. Your coworkers are congratulating you on a job well done. They’re most likely to praise you for being:

A. Patient.
B. Decisive.

C. Thorough.

D. Logical.


If you answered mostly As, you are a passive communicator.

What it means

Passive communicators are careful to avoid conflict in work situations. Instead of addressing issues head on and in the moment, they’re more likely to be patient and use a wait-and-see approach. They keep their emotions close to their chest and prefer more heads down, independent work.

How to succeed at work as a passive communicator

While it may seem against your intuition to speak up and openly share your opinions, there are still ways to make an impact at work, and get your ideas across as a passive communicator. Seek out direct meetings over group settings, and write your ideas down if you’re worried about sharing them first in an in-person or virtual meeting.

If you answered mostly Bs, you are an aggressive communicator.

What it means

Aggressive communicators aren’t afraid to speak up and make their opinions heard — sometimes, even at the cost of not listening to others’ voices. They’re focused on actions, results and big ideas rather than the details. They like making quick and hard decisions.

How to succeed at work as an aggressive communicator

Aggressive communicators can come off strong at work, but that can be a great thing — especially if you’re hoping to lead and make your voice heard. Use your can-do attitude and determination to your advantage, while staying aware of the needs of others in the room. Take up your space — you deserve it! — just leave room for others, too.

If you answered mostly Cs, you are a passive-aggressive communicator.

What it means

Passive-aggressive communicators, as the name implies, strike a balance between passive and active communicators: they keep some of their feelings close to their chest, but aren’t afraid to share opinions when they know they will benefit them. They know what they want and are willing to go after it — but they may beat around the bush to get there.

How to succeed at work as a passive-aggressive communicator.

Knowing what you want and having strong opinions is half the battle — now, it’s time to ensure your voice is heard! Establishing more structured ways to present your opinions — whether it’s via email, follow-up meetings or messages — will help others understand your ideas more clearly and ensure the work gets done to actualize them.

If you answered mostly Ds, you are an assertive communicator.

What it means

Assertive communicators know what they want and communicate their wants directly and openly. They are polite, respectful and confident when sharing their opinions, and aren’t afraid to disagree or set boundaries when needed. They are aware of others’ needs but tend to put themselves first.

How to succeed at work as an assertive communicator

Assertive communicators often thrive in a workplace where they can set their own agenda, goals and work style. If you’re not in a position to do so, use your assertiveness to your advantage to advocate for work-life balance and workflows that work for you. If you are an assertive manager or leader, use your assertiveness to set a respectful example for your team. Ensure that you’re not just advocating for yourself, but encouraging others to follow in your footsteps.

What’s your work communication style and how do you use it to succeed at work? Share your answer in the comments to help other Fairygodboss'ers!

This article reflects the views of the author and not those of Fairygodboss.

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