As you work towards a successful career you’ll probably focus on your professional goals and relationships with your colleagues. As you strive to maintain a healthy
work-life balance, you’ll most likely focus on taking care of your health by sleeping enough, eating well, and exercising regularly. While all of these are important, it’s easy to forget about fostering our friendships. Maybe you've made a real friend at work, but you also need at lease one true friendship outside of work, too, so you can take work off your mind.
Best friends will be there for you when you’ve had the worst day of your career and you need someone to talk to. It’s important to have a best friend outside of work, and not just to dish about your coworkers. The
Huffington Post reported on a LinkedIn study citing that 68% of people born after 1980 would sacrifice a friendship for a promotion. While workplace friends can make the day go by faster, they often don’t last when you move onto new roles and have the added complication of workplace politics. These quotes will remind you why it’s worth taking the time to invest in true friends. For every friendship quote, try to think of someone in your life it reminds you of.