#BreaktheBias: Celebrating the Achievements of Women at Gartner

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Women at Garnter

Photo courtesy of Garnter.

July 27, 2024 at 12:4AM UTC

A version of this article was originally published on Gartner’s Career Blog.

Each March, we at Gartner recognize Women’s History Month. This year, we celebrated the achievements of women across our organization and hosted a variety of events to inspire and empower one another to reach our full potential.

For instance, our Women at Gartner Employee Resource Group (ERG) organized a month-long celebration of events to align with this year’s International Women’s Day #BreakTheBias theme. We kicked off the month with an overview of ways to get involved and give back to our local communities. By donating their time, talent and earnings, our associates could engage in efforts to further opportunities for Women and young girls.

One way to give back to local communities is through mentorship. You can discover how our associates have helped advance their local communities through mentorship here. In addition to this, we also shared a podcast about how Women at Gartner have broken the bias through their careers in IT. Listen to the podcast here

Image courtesy of Gartner.

We also invited our associates to join our Chief HR Officer, Robin Kranich, during an inspirational call as she discussed the International Women’s Day theme, Break the Bias. In addition, we encouraged our associates to participate in a panel discussion with Fairygodboss’s Co-founder and CEO, Georgene Huang, to learn ways to recognize bias and the actions needed to break the bias. Suezette Yasmin Robotham, DEI VP Talent Acquisition, also led a conversation discussing ways Gartner breaks the bias through enhanced recruiting strategies.   

To wrap up the month, associates will join Claire Herkes, Executive Vice President of Conferences, Yvonne Genovese, Executive Vice President of Global Product Management, and Jules Kaufman, Executive Vice President, General Counsel to understand how Gartner’s executive leadership team supports the continued empowerment of Women globally, and our approach to building a more sustainable and equitable approach for the future.

How Gartner supports Women all year long.

Beyond Women’s History Month, we also make it a priority to support Women throughout the year. This includes embracing gender diversity and actively removing all barriers to support inclusion, engagement and growth at Gartner. It also includes creating paths to leadership, coaching talent at all levels and providing competitive benefits, with a focus on mitigating bias in our talent processes.

One way we work toward these goals is via our Women at Gartner group, which is focused on driving the recruitment, development, engagement and visibility of Women by creating a network to exchange ideas, elevate skills and provide access to leadership. At 4,000 members, the Women at Gartner ERG is the largest at the company, with members driving important change across the globe.

Gartner also truly takes action to support Women by:

  • Building community. We host more than 100 live events globally each year to amplify and raise the profile of Women at Gartner.

  • Engaging associates. From formal mentorship opportunities to enlisting allies, we provide compelling programs to inspire and connect associates.

  • Attracting high-caliber female talent. We partner with our HR teams to attract exceptional Women and address bias in the recruiting process.

  • Supporting career development. Through events and programming, we help Women associates take ownership of career paths and advancement at Gartner to ensure that they can reach their full potential.

Next steps.

Want to learn more about advancing your career as a woman? Our associates share their advice and tips for a successful career in our recruiting and networking events. You can view our upcoming events here, and be sure to check back regularly as new events are added weekly. If you find an event that you are interested in, please select “Other” and type “Fairygodboss” for the “How you heard about this event” dropdown. 

You can also read the advice below for a sneak peak into the type of advice our associates share during the events. 

“When starting your career, network and just try to get your foot in the door. As you progress your career, it is important to look for companies with business growth.” Andrea Greenwald, Director, Advisory 

“Know what you want and pursue it unapologetically. Seek the right mentor to guide and support you along the way — It goes a long way!” - Nayani Gupta, Associate Director Consulting

“I think if you’re interested in making a shift, into the tech space or another space all together, know you are not alone and that career paths are often not a straight line. If you admire someone’s career or have questions about how they got there — reach out. While people are busy, many are also interested in helping/advising others and asking for 15 mins of their time is an easy ask – the worst they can say is no.” Pooja Badlani, Senior Director, Product Development

 Curious to find out more about why you should pursue a career at Garner? You can learn more about our Women at Gartner Employee Resource Group here. And, check out the link below to browse current job opportunities!

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  • Daily articles on career topics
  • Jobs at companies dedicated to hiring more women
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