Celebrating Small Wins: A Day in the Life of an Integrated Marketing Manager

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Updated: 3/6/2022

“Tile has a great culture, one that is prioritized by our people team,” says Melissa Lindsay, the brand and integrated marketing manager at Tile. In this role, she gets to work with many different teams and departments in the company for launches, campaigns and brand efforts. What she’s found from working with so many different parts of the company is how genuinely helpful and positive everyone is.

“I really appreciate how we celebrate the small wins,” notes Lindsay. “It’s not just the large launches but also the smaller efforts and even personal joys.”

Further, Lindsay notes that due to Tile’s flat company structure, “anyone at any level can connect with members of executive leadership. This level of openness is great for everyone’s learning.”

We were thrilled to have the opportunity to chat with Lindsay about her work, her team and how she stays on task. Read on for an inside look into the life of an Integrated Marketing Manager.

How do you start your day? Is there anything special you do to prepare for the day?

I start every day with a good workout — the best way to clear my head for the day! After my morning workout, I like to hop on a little early to take a refresher look at my calendar, to make sure I’m up-to-speed on the purpose of the call or any information I may have to contribute. 

I outline my to-do list for the day — every day will take a different trajectory, but there are still tasks that I need to complete to ensure the next step can happen within a timely fashion.

What is your normal day-to-day life like at work? 

Every day is different, but it’s safe to assume that there will be a lot of meetings! Working at a remote-centric company, I need to align on priorities, next steps and new opportunities. 

What do you find most rewarding and challenging about your work?

The most rewarding piece is the day we go live! Within my role, I get to see marketing efforts from strategy through execution, so the day we go live is the cherry on top of the sundae at the end of a lot of hard work.

The most challenging thing is prioritization! There are so many great efforts in the works, and it can be tough to determine what to prioritize.

Speaking of prioritization, how do you prioritize and deal with your to-do list each day?

The prioritization of my to-do list is based on due date and level of effort. How do I deal with my to-do list? Just like any other task, one item at a time. 

Do you have any recent projects or moments at work that you’re particularly proud of?

Back in October 2021, we launched a family of new products and rolled out some new features and services. It was a large undertaking that demanded work from the entire team to get across the finish line.

What are you trying to improve on?

The team is full of a lot of different people with a lot of different backgrounds. I would like to learn as much as I can to have a stronger understanding of each channel. 

What kinds of boundaries have you established to separate work and home life?

I have to admit, I struggle with work-life balance, but I’m working on it. For example, I’ve been turning off mobile notifications during off hours and am designating separate spaces in my apartment for work and personal time. 

Having a specific “workspace” really helps set the tone, so when I step away from that space, it feels like stepping away from work. 


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