Celebrating The Role Of Fathers At Home And Work Today!

Creative Commons

Father's Day 2016

Creative Commons

July 27, 2024 at 12:56AM UTC

Today is Father’s Day in the U.S. and we are acknowledging and thankful for the important role that dads play in all of our lives, but particularly for their children. Fathers are role models, care-givers, providers, protectors, and supporters of society’s daughters and the girls who will grow up one day to be our future leaders. The personal and the professional worlds overlap in this regard, as studies that show that male CEOs close the gender pay gap after they become dads to daughters. Moreover, it is quite common for female leaders to cite their fathers as their first career role models.

Fathers also play an important role in advancing gender equality in the workplace. We are heartened by how many male managers and supporters we have at Fairygodboss. Many reach out to us to try to understand what else they can do to advance gender equality at their companies or to support the women on their teams.

Obviously men comprise half of the population and are the majority of our leaders in society (whether politically in public institutions or privately within corporations as our employers). Therefore we believe that men are critical to improving gender equality and advancing issues that impact women. Many men have embraced their role by participation in organizations such as HeforShe and the National Organization for Men Against Sexism.

At Fairygodboss, we believe that while women and men face some different issues in the workplace, we also share important common ground. Both mothers and fathers need better support to balance their work and personal lives, and less bias around their care-taking responsibilities that are based on traditional gender roles. More women are now bread-winners today than ever before, and more fathers choose to work at home, and be more involved in raising their families. It’s not just women who face negative repercussions and assumptions around their care-taking responsibilities, as this piece on what happens to men when they take paternity leave illustrates.

Though fathers are important every day of the year, today we hope that dads everywhere are kicking up their feet and enjoying some extra, well-deserved attention.

Happy Father’s Day!


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