100 Ways to Sign Off Your Email That Are Way Better Than “All the Best"

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AnnaMarie Houlis4.87k
Journalist & travel blogger
Updated: 10/26/2021
We get it: Signing off an email is awkward. You don't want to sound too formal but, on the other hand, you equally don't want to sound too informal. And you certainly don't want to sound like a broken record by constantly repeating, "All the best!" because "Thanks!" doesn't always make sense.
So here's how to end an email that won't make you cringe when you hit that send button.

How to end an email

First things first, every email you send should have a proper ending. A proper one includes a sign-off (i.e. the "all the best" or "thanks"), your name, your title and company, your contact information, and, if you want, your pronouns. Let's dig deeper into what each of those list items mean.

1. A sign-off

The sign-off should be how you conclude your email. Typically, people say "all the best" or "thanks" when they're ending an email. But there are a whole wealth of ways to sign off, and not all of them make sense for every type of email you send. For example, you might say thanks if you're asking for something, but you wouldn't necessarily say thanks if you're introducing yourself.

2. Your name

You should sign off your email with your full name the first time around. If you're in constant contact with this person or they already know who you are, you don't need to use your full name every single time. Your full name might be found below in your signature (if you have one) anyway.  Just make sure to use the name that you want the other person to use when addressing you and, if you have a nickname, don't go back and forth. This can get confusing for the person on the other end.

3. Your title and company

Always include your title and the name of your company when you sign off your emails, just under or next to your name. This way, the person on the receiving end of your email has some more context. Knowing a bit more about who you are can help them craft a response back to you. Again, like your name, you don't need to do this every single time you sign off an email. And, also like your name, this information will likely be in your automatic signature below your sign-off.

4. Your contact information

Your contact information may feel redundant, but it's important to share (yes, including the email you prefer to use, even if it's the one from which you're sending the email!). In most cases, you should include your email and phone number. In some cases, however, you may need to include your company's address and/or social media handles, as well.

5. Your pronouns 

If you'd like, many people have started adding their pronouns to their email sign-offs. This way, the person on the receiving end understands your gender identity. Because many people have gender-neutral names (like Alex or Sam, for example), this can be a huge help for anyone, even if you are cisgender. More importantly, because gender is an expression, not everyone who has a traditionally male or female name identifies with the corresponding he/him/his or she/her/hers gender pronouns, respectively. Some people even use gender-neutral pronouns, so this is an easy way of sharing those to set the precedent.

100 creative email sign-offs

Here are 100 different ways to sign off your emails to reference the next time you're feeling stuck.

To show thanks 

Send these when you're feeling grateful! If you're genuinely thanking the recipient for something, even their time, these thankful sign-offs will do the trick.
1. Thank you,
2. Thanks,
3. Thanks in advance.
4. Much appreciated!
5. Many thanks!
6. I appreciate your help!
7.  Thanks for your consideration.
8. I appreciate your time.
9. Thanks for taking the time.
10. Thanks very much.
11. Thanks for your efforts.
12. Thanks for your work on this.
13. Thanks a ton.
14. Thanks a bunch.
15. Thanks for reading.
16. Thanks a million!
17. With appreciation,
18. With gratitude,
19. Thanks for everything!
20. I can't thank you enough!

To be friendly 

If you're in need of a quick, friendly sign-off that gets the job done without being too much or too little, these are great options.
21. Sincerely,
22. Have a great day!
23. Hope you have a nice day.
24. Take care,
25.  Enjoy the rest of your week.
26. Have a good evening.
27. Have a good one!
28. Enjoy,
29. Hope you have a great weekend!
30. Have a great weekend!
31. Enjoy the rest of your day!
32. I'll keep an eye out for more.
33. Great catching up with you.
34. Happy holidays!
35. Here's to a great [DAY OF THE WEEK]!
36. Hope this helps.
37. You've been such a help.
38. I owe you.
39. I owe you one.
40. You're a lifesaver.

To be casual

If you're on a very casual basis with the person you're emailing, here are some sign-offs that won't sound weirdly formal to them but that will still end your email professionally.
41. -[YOUR NAME]
42. Cheers,
43. Talk soon,
44. Chat soon,
45. Speak soon,
46. Peace,
47. Later,
48. Talk to you later.
49. Catch you later.
50. See you later.
51. See ya!
52. Until next time,
53. See you soon.
54. You rock!
55. You're the best!
56. Hope you're making it through [DAY OF THE WEEK]...
57. One day closer to Friday!
58. Ciao,
59. Adios,
60. Au revoir!

To be formal

When you're emailing someone higher up or, perhaps, a prospective employer, you'll want to lean on the more formal side of sign-offs. Here are some ways to end your email formally.
61. Regards,
62. Best regards,
63. Warm regards,
64. Cordially,
65. Respectfully,
66. Warm wishes,
67. Looking forward to hearing from you.
68. I look forward to your feedback.
69. I'm looking forward to your feedback.
70. I appreciate your time and consideration.
71. Thanks for taking the time here.
72. I hope your week is off to a great start.
73. Looking forward to talking more.
74. I look forward to speaking soon.
75. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions or concerns.
76. Please let me know if you have any questions.
77. Please feel free to reach me here or at my phone number below.
78. Please let me know if you need anything else on my end.
79. I look forward to the opportunity.
80. I'm looking forward to getting started.

To wish them the best

If you just want to wish the recipient well, without even necessarily continuing the conversation (though this doesn't have to be a conversation stopper), here are some ways to do that.
81. Best wishes,
82. All the best,
83. My best,
84. Warmly,
85. Congrats,
86. Congratulations,
87. Keep up the good work!
88. It's been great working with you!
89. Sending good vibes!
90. Sending positive vibes!
91. Sending light,
92.  Good luck!
93. The best of luck!
94. Keep it up.
95. You've got this.
96. You're going to kill it.
97. Hope to work together again in the future.
98. Good luck in your next endeavors.
99. Good luck in wherever your journey takes you.
100. Keep on carrying on!

Things to avoid in your email sign-off

Whenever signing off your emails, there are some major things to avoid that'll almost certainly bombard the other person. Here are five of those things.


While quotes can be a nice sentiment, they're unnecessary words. And emails are typically already wordy enough. Cut the quotes and leave your email be. You don't want the recipient of your email to be so overwhelmed by all the text that they don't even read what's most important in the body of your email.

2. Excessive Links

Too many links at the bottom of an email can be annoying and distracting. You should only include relevant links, such as a link to your company site or your portfolio page, for examples. Anything else could confuse the reader.

3. Big Corporate Logos

Logos are a great way to leave a lasting imprint on your reader, but big corporate logos can leave the wrong kind of impression. The logo should be small if you're going to include one at all. You don't want the logo to distort the text alignment in your email.

4. Massive Headshots

While headshots may be necessary in some industries, you definitely don't need one in your typical email sign-off. Besides, most emailing platforms allow you a photo, so you don't need to add your picture to your emails anyway.

5. Any Other Photos

Photos, in general, can really negatively affect an email. They could take a long time to load and may not properly appear on your recipient's end, depending on the server and email platform they're using. If you have to include photos in the email, you should include them as attachments, not in the body of your email.

What's your no. 1 go-to email sign-off? Leave your answer in the comments to help other FGB'ers!

AnnaMarie Houlis is a multimedia journalist and an adventure aficionado with a keen cultural curiosity and an affinity for solo travel. She's an editor by day and a travel blogger at HerReport.org by night. 

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