Fairygodboss of the Week: Maly Ohrenschall

Photo Courtesy of Maly Ohrenschall.

Photo Courtesy of Maly Ohrenschall.

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Updated: 5/15/2020
Maly Ohrenschall says the day she's proudest of in her career is the day she decided to stop worrying about her path forward. 
"I started going for the most interesting jobs I could find," she said. "It's allowed me to learn so much more and to work with organizations around the world. It was scary... but it's paid off!"
And been around the world she has. Ohrenschall's worked everywhere from insurance companies to Uber, most recently landing at Getaround, which she loves for its "brilliant" people, collaborative work and encouragement of calculated risk-taking.
Recently, Ohrenschall gave us a closer look at her path to career fulfillment, how she decided to become bold in her career choices and what inspires her. She also shared how other women can get started on a career journey that looks like hers. 
Fairygodboss of the Week: Maly Ohrenschall
Claims Director, Customer Operations at Getaround

Tell us a little about your career. How did you get where you are now?

I ended up in the insurance world a bit accidentally while looking for a temporary landing place to re-evaluate my career. I ended up finding a great home at Liberty Mutual for 12 years, where I built an expertise in insurance in 17 countries and over a dozen lines of business. During my time with Liberty, I worked in nine different offices and 10 roles. I couldn't have asked for a better place to grow my career. After 12 years I left the traditional carrier world to experience the tech/startup space, where I've been able to bring my insurance experience and learn a new industry — first at Uber and now at Getaround. I love the pace and the ability to make impactful decisions at lightning speed.

What's an accomplishment that you are proud of?

I'm most proud of the day I stopped worrying about my path forward and started going for the most interesting jobs I could find. When I did that,  I realized that I could learn so much more and have way more fun taking a less traditional route. It's allowed me to learn so much more and to work with organizations around the world. It was scary to take a less traditional path, but it's paid off!

What's a challenge that you've faced and overcome?

I had a hard time overcoming self doubt, so I played it safe in job choices and work decisions for years because I was scared I would fail or be rejected. Learning to trust I could turn around a mistake and recover from rejection was huge.

What's the No. 1 career tip that you'd like to share with other women?

Speak up! Surround yourself with as many people who make you feel brave as you can at work. If you do that, you'll always have an ally when you share your ideas and don't get the reaction you want. It's always worse to not share what you're thinking than to have it be rejected.

Why do you love where you work?

We have a great culture at Getaround. From the welcome I received on day one to the daily support and engagement from colleagues across the organization, I've felt fully part of the team and valued. This setup is empowering me to do my best work, because I collaborate with brilliant people and we do truly cross-functional work. Plus, I have the support to be imperfect in pursuit of being best.

Who is your Fairygodboss? Why?

That's hard. I've had some great bosses, but I'd have to go with Michele Streton. Working in her organization and getting to know her helped shape my approach to my team. Her people first approach and focus on development make her the boss we all deserve to work for.

What do you do when you're not working?

I'm usually doing some combination of hanging out with my nieces, watching football or traveling.

If you could have dinner with one famous person — dead or alive — who would it be?

Stacey Abrams - she's brilliant and inspiring, what a great dinner conversation!

What's your karaoke song?

I never sing karaoke but on the rare chance I'm at the mic, I think I can rap.

What's your favorite movie?

"The Dirty Dozen" — great story, great cast.

What book would you bring with you on a deserted island?

"Pride and Prejudice" — I can read it over and over.

What's your go-to self care activity?

A massage —  it's restoring and I can fully turn off my mind.

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