16 Style Blogs That Celebrate Fashionistas Over 50

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Heather K Adams734
Content + Copy Writer
June 5, 2024 at 7:14PM UTC
  • Much out there in the fashion world feels directed at women in their twenties and thirties, women who've only just started their careers.
  • The next time you're looking for relatable inspiration, check out The Middle Page, Senior Style Bible, She She Show, The Midlife Fashionista and A Well Styled Life.

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Good taste is timeless no matter what age you are. And indulging your flair for style and some wardrobe-related drama should a pleasure that never fades. For those of us over fifty, however, finding fashion blogs and posts related to our needs and tastes can sometimes feel impossible to find. So much out there in the fashion world feels directed at women in their twenties and thirties, those women who are just starting out both professionally and in terms of developing their own personal styles.

Those of us who have maybe been there and done all that are a little more set in our paths, and we already have a feel of what does and doesn't suit us. But that doesn't mean we couldn't use a bit of high end inspiration every now and then. After all, the only thing worse than a rainy Monday morning is one on which you feel like you have absolutely nothing fashionable to wear. So the next time you're looking for a little more relatable inspiration, check out some of these awesome blogs run by your contemporaries.

1. She She Show

This blog is, yep, all about "being SheShe" — using a mix of low and high fashion to create big drama style with your wardrobe. Former model Sheree Drede doesn't shy from making a statement (obviously) and doesn't believe any other woman should either, no matter what age she finds herself. Drede blogs about lifestyle, beauty and health, travel and more. Her blog has an online SheShe shop as well.

2. Privilege

Privilege is about how a focus on fashion — on looking and also feeling good — can drive home "the privilege of being alive." This blog reflects on style and gratitude in equal measure, with author Skye Peale making a point to deliver a little bit of both with every post. She doesn't draw away from addressing the question of age when considering fashionable looks or accessories for her readers, discussing her thoughts on how a woman of a certain age might best incorporate each look into her personal sense of style with humor and candor.

3. Over 50, Feeling 40

Over 50, Feeling 40 was started by blogger Pamela Lutrell. She first began writing about her own "personal reinvention" when she turned fifty and realized she had been devoting most of her daily life to serving others, and had stopped paying much attention to herself along the way. So her blog is all about empowering women to feel confident enough to enact their own fashionable transformations, as she did, at any age they feel like doing it. 

4. The Middle Page

Cathy Williamson has turned her personal blog into a one-stop-shop for beautiful living. Readers will find advice on style across an array of topics, from fashion to the home to matters of personal beauty. Her "Chic at Every Age" posts on fashion finds her teaming up with other bloggers to address style topics for women from their twenties through their fifties.

5. Jodie's Touch of Style

As you can see this blog declares "It's never too late to look great," and helps readers find or refresh their sense of style for their over-fifty or middle years. Blogger Jodie creates posts with her mother Charlotte and also her friend Lesly, each of whom represents a different age, body shape and style. Together they turn a fun eye toward fashion and feeling good in any era of your life.

6. Chic At Any Age

Taglined "Style Beyond Trends," this fashion blog for women over fifty is all about being a resource and community for women to learn about and have fun with fashion. It's fun of style and beauty inspiration for its readers, including casual wear and exercise gear. A scarf shop lets you do a little shopping, and links to other recommended blogs will lead you onward.

7. Une Femme d'un Certain Age

Run by Susan Blakey, this blog has a Parisian approach to what any woman's style should be: confident, chic and at ease with herself. When it comes to fashion blogs for women over fifty this one is definitely geared toward anyone seeking to acquire or update a more sophisticated wardrobe. Blakey also writes about travel wardrobes for the more decidedly jet set among us.

8. Stylin' Granny Mama

"Real women, real life: a faith and fashion blog" is this blog's tagline. It's all about living fashionably at any age, but especially after fifty. The Stylin' Granny mama places the same emphasis on discussing topics of faith, family and friends as she does fashion.

9. A Well Styled Life

This may be one of the earliest fashion blogs for women over fifty, founded by image consultant Jennifer Connolly. Her blog broke fairly virgin territory a few years ago and is now leading the way for a growing readership. As an image consultant, Connolly offers her readers free advice on fashion and finding your own style.

10. 50 Is Not Old

Tania Stephens started this fashion blog for women over fifty because she believes being older means being able to be more honest and more comfortable with yourself and also the world. Her blog mixes high fashion and affordable pieces into a style that suits who she is now. You can shop her style through her blog as well.

11. 1010 Park Place

A blog not just for fashion mavens but also a community for women over fifty to talk about their lives, from finances to big life events, and find real connections with each other. 1010 Park Place is a blog for the passionate woman to find inspiration. Posts range from food to sex and beyond.

12. Not Dead Yet Style

This blog is all about "how to be authentic and beautiful in our middle years." The style here is all about looking good while living a semi-casual lifestyle, so it's great for those of us who are leaning a little more toward retirement than the office these days. Founded by an introvert who prefers to talk about clothes more herself, she urges her readers to celebrate life at any age — because, as she says, we're not dead yet.

13. Senior Style Bible

Created by former Playboy Bunny Dorrie Jacobson, this blog is all about helping older women keep their style modern and fashionable. Showing readers how to use changing modern fashions to inform the style they already have makes this one of the best fashion blogs for women over fifty. The emphasis is always on learning and growing, yes, but without ever sacrificing yourself on the altar of fads.

14. Fashionable Over 50

This "fashion with compassion" blog is all about helping readers stay fit and healthy and feeling good well beyond their fifties. Posts are very much about being active and staying stylish. This fashion blog for women over fifty also promotes ethical shopping including the practice of "slow fashion," which means incorporating thrifted or upcycled second hand clothing into your wardrobe.

15. Fifty, Not Frumpy

Susan Street created this fashion blog for women over fifty who are looking to re-evaluate their styles. AT this age many women have been raising children, taking care of loved ones and maybe not paying so much attention to how they dress or how their current style (or lack of one) makes them feel about themselves. Street shares the tips and tricks she's learned while finding her own new sense of style and even sophistication to empower readers to find their own.

16. The Midlife Fashionista

Determined to "do away with frumpy," this blogger is also a wardrobe stylist offering readers a chance to go a little further with their own personal fashion revolutions by engaging with her personal styling service. For more casual readers, the blog offers tips on looking chic while also going deeper into dealing with real life issues as well. The post on high end wigs, for example, is perfect for anyone dealing with hair loss through cancer treatment or a medical condition.

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