Everything You Need To Know About Being an Active Fairygodboss VIP

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Updated: 4/4/2022

Fairygodboss VIPs are a powerful group of women* establishing their voices within a growing community career-minded women. Whether you’re an executive, HR professional, career coach or industry-specific expert, being an Fairygodboss VIP means sharing your advice where you feel your voice serves best. 


VIPss are expected to share their advice at least once weekly on the Fairygodboss Community Feed

While this program requires very little time, it's impactful for our community of women hoping to receive advice from thought-leaders like you. We encourage all VIPs to spread the word about Fairygodboss by sharing their VIP status and Fairygodboss content with their social networks regularly (tagging @fairygodboss, where applicable).

Where do I share my advice?

VIPs share their advice in the comments of the posts from other Fairygodboss members on the Community Feed. VIPs are encouraged to offer their advice and experiences wherever they feel they add value, whether that’s on the general Community Feed or within a Fairygodboss group.

How can I stay up to date with the Fairygodboss Community? 

VIPs are sent a newsletter each month with the latest Fairygodboss news and updates. As a Fairygodboss member, you will also receive daily emails with community posts that are popular. You can add your voice to these discussions or scroll the feed for conversations where there hasn't already been a lot of participation.


To thank you for your support of the FGB Community, we’re excited to share exclusive VIP opportunities:

  • The VIPs @ FGB Group: A closed space for VIPs to connect, share and network with one another.

  • Articles: Share your advice in an article featured on Fairygodboss.

  • Networking: Exclusive networking opportunities that connect VIPs with one another.

  • Social Partnerships: Social media collaboration opportunities on select @Fairygodboss platforms (please note that there are requirements to be eligible for this activation). 

  • Fairygodboss Updates: As we grow and expand our community, VIPs are the first to know about our product releases and everything new at Fairygodboss.

  • Your Own Fairygodboss “Wings”: A purple wing on your VIP profile—so when you post or reply (non-anonymously) to the Fairygodboss Community, people will know you’re a verified VIP. 


What happens if I don’t share my advice one week?

Life happens, and we’re all busy people. Our main expectation is that VIPs share their advice regularly — so if you miss a week or two, share some more advice when you’re able to get back on the site! We regularly monitor and check that activity levels are maintained and unfortunately, we may have to remove you from the program if we see that you are not sharing advice regularly.

How can I leave the Fairygodboss VIP program?

You can leave the Fairygodboss VIP program at any time by emailing [email protected].

How can I nominate someone else to join the program?

If you know someone who'd be a great Fairygodboss VIP, please nominate them here.

*Fairygodboss is an inclusive community and when we welcome everyone regardless of their gender identity. 

Why women love us:

  • Daily articles on career topics
  • Jobs at companies dedicated to hiring more women
  • Advice and support from an authentic community
  • Events that help you level up in your career
  • Free membership, always