25 Shareable Get-Back-to-Work Memes

Woman at Work

AdobeStock / StratfordProductions

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AnnaMarie Houlis4.87k
Journalist & travel blogger
July 26, 2024 at 10:58PM UTC
What do you do when your boss tells you to get back to work or you realize how much work you really do have to get back to? Most definitely don't look at these get back to work memes...

1. When you can't bring yourself to go back to work...

getting back to work meme
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2. When you're trying to get back to work but people keep bugging you...

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3. When you need to go back to work with people who can't do their jobs...

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4. When you can't believe you need to get back to work...

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5. When you need to get back to work after checking the clock...

now get back to work meme
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6. When you think back to the first day you went to work...

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7. When you need to go back to work for three people...

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8. When you need to prepare yourself to go back to work...

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9. When you wish you could go back to a 40-hour work week...

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10. When you really need to get back to handle your work...

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11. When you hate work...

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12. When you don't want to go back to work but you need the money...

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13. When going back to work feels like going to prison...

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14. When you just want more days off...

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15. When going back to work brings you tears...

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16. When you're told to get back to work, fool...

get back to work fool Mr. T
Image caption

17. When you're told the party is over...

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18. When you really have to get back to your shift...

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19. When you get back to work and pretend...

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20. When your boss tells you to quit socializing...

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21. When you're forced to get back to work...

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22. When you swear you'll get back to work...

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23. When you really don't want to go back to work...

back to work meme with girl crying
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24. When you don't want to leave your house for work...

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25. When you have to go back to work tomorrow...

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AnnaMarie Houlis is a feminist, a freelance journalist and an adventure aficionado with an affinity for impulsive solo travel. She spends her days writing about women’s empowerment from around the world. You can follow her work on her blog, HerReport.org, and follow her journeys on Instagram @her_report, Twitter @herreportand Facebook.

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