Getting A More Flexible Job Doesn't Start With Quitting — Just With Asking

cherryandbees / Adobe Stock

woman working remotely

cherryandbees / Adobe Stock

Heather Marcoux via
Heather Marcoux via
Updated: 12/15/2017
No commute to keep you away from your kids for hours a day, flexibility when it comes to childcare arrangements and not having to swipe a card to get into the bathroom are just a few of the benefits that make working from home a dream of many parents—as well as a reality for a growing number of telecommuters. In 1995, only 9 percent of U.S. workers were able to work from home. Now, about 37 percent of employees spend some time in their home office.
The arrangement is especially attractive to new moms who want to keep a foot in the career world while making as much time as possible for family. Internet scams prey on moms looking for such opportunities, but legit jobs are out there. (I’m doing one right now!

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