The newest generation currently hitting workplaces around the world is “Generation Z,” and it’s already challenging existing companies’ ideas about and expectations of employees.
Most of this generation doesn’t remember 9/11 (feel old yet?), and they were born into a world where connectivity allows them to have limitless interests and learning potential. Not only have they grown up with the Internet, but they’re also notoriously social media “junkies,” present on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more. Gen Z prefers to look online for products (comparing pricing and substitutes) before they make a purchase; in fact, their overall reliance on the virtual universe for socializing and shopping needs has earned them the nickname the “quiet generation.”
Members of Gen Y and Gen X are increasingly becoming today’s leaders, business supervisors, and business owners — but they’ll need to adapt their working styles in order to manage their Gen Z team members. In order for this to happen, the work environment will need to support different kinds of technology, including social
networking site involvement and the use of personal gadgets. These new employees likely won't distinguish between their personal and business lives with regards to social
network use. They'll seek out organizations with a significant social network presence and understanding of how to utilize it creatively in order to build and market new services and products.
Novorésumé is an example of a company that is consistently trying to adapt its résumé samples for the Generation Z while maintaining the principles imposed by HR experts and information demanded by employers.
While researching, they identified the following seven trends among Gen Z, and how companies, brands, and entrepreneurs can better understand them:
1) Gen Z is more entrepreneurial than other generations.
Therefore, make sure to encourage your Gen Z employees by enabling them to concentrate on projects directly connected to company success. This will bring about their best qualities.
2) They're less money-driven than millennials.
If you want to attract and engage Gen Z, opportunities for advancement are more important than high salaries (in the beginning, at least). They realize they need to get a job and improve by learning as much as possible.
3) Surprisingly, traditional methods of communication are preferred.
Even though they grew up with technology, Gen Z also likes traditional methods of communication — therefore, invite them to a meeting instead of conducting all communication electronically.
4. They want employers to be honest and take them seriously.
Working with Gen Z requires honesty and trust. They want to participate in executive meetings and will quickly run away if they have to wait years for a change.
5. Frequent feedback is required.
Provide Gen Z employees with your feedback often to show that you care about their career development. Let them make their own mistakes, but also stay involved in the learning process.
6. They want to work individually.
When it comes to working with Generation Z, you should know that they prefer to be given individual tasks and be judged by their own qualities.
Generation Z plans to stay at the same company for a long time, so if you hire one, know that they will work with passion. And if they don’t stick around, it’s just not their thing.