Here's How I Make My Hybrid Work Schedule Work For Me

woman walking to work at home and walking to work at an office

Canva / Fairygodboss Staff

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Ekua Cant206
Career Transitions & Career Change Coach
July 26, 2024 at 11:34PM UTC

Earlier this year, when there had been a movement towards “getting back to business as usual,” I felt hesitant to get back to the office — even part-time. 

I had become used to my remote schedule and being at home so often. Yet it wasn’t always sunny — I was defaulting to rigidity and didn’t trust myself to get my work done around my other life commitments and activities. I often fell into the trap of being “always on” and let myself be ruled by digital notifications. 

I’d forgotten about the life beyond my house.

For a while, I was bogged down by these issues and it felt a bit overwhelming to think of changing from work from home, even though working from home full-time wasn’t working for me. 

I began to go easier on myself. I reminded myself that I can adapt, just like I did when I started working from home. I thought about the benefits to working from home and in an office or workspace. I was excited about the opportunity to do in-person networking and the opportunity to get to know people in real life. Because whilst meeting someone virtually does work, nothing can replace the experience of meeting face to face.

Since embracing a hybrid work schedule, I’ve learned that there’s no exact science to making it work for you. But by knowing how you work best, you can continually improve your hybrid work experience and ensure you thrive. 

Here’s how I’ve worked to make my hybrid work schedule right for me.

1. I accepted my need for social connection. 

Humans are social beings — myself included. When I recognized this, I made sure that I made my time in the office count. When I’m in person, I try to reconnect with colleagues and connect with other teams in my office or workspace.

2. I have a positive, proactive morning routine  — whether I’m in-office or working from home.

I begin my day with a version of Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning, regardless of whether I’m working in the office or at home. Every morning, I start with affirmations, my gratitude journal and a quick burst of exercise. Having a proactive morning routine helps me to be solutions-focused, energized and able to handle most things a day can throw at me.

3. I do a daily digital detox. 

I keep my digital notifications on a timer or low settings, and take them down even further during non-working hours and when I’m enjoying downtime. 

Exploring your digital well-being settings can really help with mental health. It also gives you control of what you focus on during your working day.  

4. I adopted the mindset of progress over perfection.

 Above all, I remembered to be kind to myself and cut myself some slack. I believe that hybrid working has many benefits, and by embracing them we can find creative solutions to some of the challenges. 

I’m focused on how I can improve today so that tomorrow will be better. Every day, I asked myself what went well, what wins I had today (even small ones!) and something I want to do better tomorrow. 


This article reflects the views of the author and not necessarily those of Fairygodboss.

Ekua Cant is the Head Cheerleader for Career Magic, Be Your No.1 Cheerleader. She is an author and career clarity coach who is no stranger to career changes and transitions. Ekua using her positive style to coach ambitious women to unlock their mindset, gain career clarity and create career success on their own terms. She is the author of a motivational self-help book called, Be Your No.1 Cheerleader, which uses the entrepreneurial journey to encourage active positive self-development.

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