Here’s What It Looks Like to Work for a Company That Invests ‘TLC’ Into Services — And Its Employees

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July 27, 2024 at 12:33AM UTC

Sometimes, the best companies to work for are the ones we grow up admiring. At least this was the case for Brooke Satterfield, a commercial account executive at Northwest Exterminating (a subsidiary of Rollins, Inc.). 

When Satterfield started looking for work, her nostalgic affiliation with the extermination company made applying for a position there a no-brainer. “I grew up in the small-town where Northwest began,” she says. “I have watched the founder, L.A. Phillips, known to most as ‘Pops,’ take his one truck operation and turn it into a household name in Atlanta, known for its culture in always doing what is right.” 

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Over a year later, she says the close-knit community of her team has served as a “reliable” support system from which to accelerate her personal and professional growth. They’ve also helped her find a satisfying balance between work and life.

Recently, Satterfield shared with us the people, resources and tools that help her achieve this balance, as well as the no. 1 misconception she thinks exists around work-life balance today. Check out her advice below.

How long have you been with your company? What about it made you first want to join?

I have been with Northwest Exterminating for a little over a year. When I started looking to go back to work in the corporate world, I spent a lot of time researching the exact match for me. I specifically targeted Northwest, as I grew up knowing the brand.

Tell me a bit about your current role. What are your priorities?  

As a commercial account executive, I am responsible for growing all services in the commercial real estate segment, as well as maintaining and expanding existing key accounts. My priorities are always relationship-driven. I focus on how I can create healthier living and working environments for my clients. 

What does “balance” mean to you, and in what ways do you feel like you’ve achieved it? How do you return to “balance” if you feel overwhelmed?

Balance, to me, is being able to give 110% to the role I am currently occupying. My roles go far beyond my career. When I am working, I am fully engaged and moving forward. When I am on personal time, I do exactly that by enjoying my life with kids, family and friends. If I get frazzled, I take it as a time to travel somewhere to reset. I am an avid traveler and have been fortunate enough to see a lot of places and meet new people in my life. I strategically plan travel throughout the year for an ideal balance and intentional reset.  

Attaining work-life balance can’t be done solo. What people, resources, and tools do you rely on to get it all done?

Hands down, I could not do this without a team. I have family nearby, as well as the community I have lived in for over 13 years which has been very reliable. In return, I am a connection person, so I also help others any time I can. And I work for the most astounding company in the world, that is fully bought in to a work-life balance approach.  

What’s one misconception you think exists around work-life balance today?

A big focus for me in 2020 is to achieve presence over perfection. For women, especially, there is so much pressure to be perfect in every single aspect of life. I do not beat myself up if my home doesn’t look like a magazine or my dinner is burned. My children do not over-participate in activities either. On the flip side, I truly work my business plan; I constantly follow up and tweak my goals and plan throughout the year, because I am not willing to settle for “just enough” either.  

Let’s talk about your company’s culture. What’s your favorite aspect of it, and how does your employer aid you in achieving balance?

Let me tell you about Northwest Exterminating. As I stated, I grew up in the small-town where Northwest began. I have watched the founder, L.A. Phillips, known to most as “Pops,” take his one truck operation and turn it into a household name in Atlanta, known for its culture in always doing what is right.  

The founding family of Northwest Exterminating has ensured this loving environment remained in place, even after becoming part of Rollins Corporation. If I am going to spend most of my waking hours with a group, I need it to be full of genuine and caring people, and Northwest is just that. We are very serious about our work and growth but we also have an absolute blast while doing it!

What’s something you think most people (perhaps even current employees) don’t know about your company that you think they should? 

This is for both fellow associates, as well as others on the outside; I can truly say I have never worked for an organization that invests as much TLC into its number one asset: employees. I have worked for very large corporations and have worked on my own. I understand that companies like this are a rarity and I definitely don’t take it for granted. 

What’s the No. 1 piece of advice you would give to other women who want to excel professionally and personally?

Educate yourself as much as possible. This can take years, but keep moving forward. Start off in roles where you can afford to make mistakes, as it’s all part of the process. I would not be where I am now without a lot of trial and error in this industry.  

Once you land the “next-level” position, continue to invest in yourself with education and utilize any and every tool available. Network and don’t be afraid to talk to people. In my opinion, the “top” is a moving target… so keep going!


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