How Employees at this Firm are Empowered to Make a Difference in their Local Communities

Sponsored by Fidelity Investments

Photo Courtesy of Fidelity Investments.

Photo Courtesy of Fidelity Investments.

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July 26, 2024 at 11:39PM UTC

Most people want to do something meaningful with their careers but may find difficulty identifying that higher purpose outside of non-profit or charitable work. However, we know it can be done. A career in finance, for example, allows you to aid in responsible wealth management and give back — especially if your employer is committed to social responsibility. 

Fidelity Investments is one such employer. Its corporate volunteer program, Fidelity Cares, allows Fidelity associates to share their special talents in their local communities. Last year alone, over 12,100 associates — from interns to SVPs — volunteered their time to over 1,200 community projects within the program. 

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The company also hosts several company-wide volunteer events to allow associates to give back. One of those events, School Transformation Days, is representative of Fidelity’s decade-long focus on revitalizing schools in its local communities. 

Over the last ten years, more than 21,000 associates have spent over 100,000 hours transforming nearby schools. The volunteers have painted murals, cleared brush, and created outdoor learning spaces, just to name a few of the revitalization projects they’ve taken on. More than 7,000 teachers and 110,000 students have benefited from the project — and they’re quick to speak out about its positive impact to their communities. 

“It has meant a lot. It has transformed our classrooms. We were able to have a STEAM room and a makerspace room and a music room. Five years ago, when Fidelity first came, we were able to redo our library,” Amanda Washington, an Assistant Principal in Dorchester, MA said of the program.

Fidelity employees are quick to share the benefits of the program on their end, too. 

“As I reflect on my 25 years with Fidelity, I’m proud of many things. One of our biggest accomplishments is the collective impact we’ve seen through our 10-year focus on revitalizing school environments in our local communities,” Vice President of Community Relations Heidi Siegal shared. “I feel truly lucky to work for a company that makes giving back a priority and where the people I work with are passionate about making a real difference in people’s lives.”

For some Fidelity employees, these programs are personally moving. A number of associates volunteer in schools that they once attended, or where their children are now students.

“When your project beneficiary is your alma mater, the whole day is surreal,” one associate said.

“Putting a fresh coat of paint on the walls can mean so much,” said another. 

Making a difference in the world makes any job feel more fulfilling. And making a difference in your own community — where you grew up or where you’re growing today — is an even more special opportunity to add new purpose to your daily routine. And at a company like Fidelity, that opportunity isn’t just available — it’s encouraged. 


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