How This Company Makes Sure People of All Ages Feel Included

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Photo Courtesy of ON Semiconductor

Photo Courtesy of ON Semiconductor

ON Semiconductor
ON Semiconductor
July 26, 2024 at 11:43PM UTC
Across many companies today, you can walk down the hallway and see various different generations. As time passes, we see changes in the makeup of the workforces around us with a cycle of one generation leaving and a new generation coming in. Today, Baby Boomers are retiring, Generation X is succeeding Boomers and Millennials are beginning to dominate the majority of the workforce while Generation Z begins to enter. But why is this important? Because each generation plays a key role in the evolving workforce we see today and the overall success of many companies!
At ON Semiconductor, an employee led Affinity Network Group (ANG) otherwise known as an employee resource group, called Cultivate was created to further enhance the multigenerational workforce we have today across the globe. Cultivate is a part of the Diversity and Inclusion Initiative with a mission and purpose to unite a group of diverse generations who are committed to engaging in the workforce and enhancing our collaborative company culture. As a founding member and co-chair of the group we are committed to understanding all generations in the workplace and connecting ON Semiconductor with the developing workforce community.

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We read and see a lot of discussion specifically around Millennials in the media, but the reality is that while trends show that Millennials will make up 75 percent of the workforce by 2025 globally, the bigger picture involves all generations in the workforce to collaborate and work in synergy. The current state of the workforce is seeing Baby Boomers rapidly retiring in North America, and in other regions like Europe and Asia, many of the Baby Boomers have already left. This poses a risk of losing valuable intellectual property. That is why through Cultivate, ON Semiconductor is focusing on the big picture to close the generation gaps enabling smooth transition from generation to generation. Through multigenerational collaboration new ideas and innovation can be built upon the knowledge and wisdom that has been pivotal to a company’s success over the years.
For us, Cultivate is built around five “Key Roots” that have been identified as areas that will make the most impact across the company.
Earlier this year, Cultivate began our mission and vision by creating an open collaborative workspace called The Park at the ON Semiconductor corporate headquarters in Phoenix, AZ to provide a bright, vibrant and functional work environment designed with employee’s surveyed feedback. A common misconception is that only Millennials want open and vibrant workspaces, but in reality, all generations benefit and want a change of scenery and a different perspective from time-to-time. Co-working spaces like these are becoming more common and more important to many as they seek employment as well as retaining top talent.
In addition, we have worked with the ON Semiconductor Learning and Development team to create a new training for employees called “Working on a Multigenerational Team”. Over a two hour training session employees learn about the different generations, common misconceptions and stereotypes, as well as how to remove generational bias. This training has provided the opportunity for open discussion and insight in how individuals both communicate within and between generations.
Looking forward, we are excited to further the discussion around multigenerational workforces and developing the next generation of leaders with Kristen Hadeed, author of Permission to Screw Up and Founder of Student Maid. Kristen will be presenting to ON Semiconductor employees in Phoenix on key topics such as the difference between a management mindset and a leadership mindset, how to develop a new perspective on failure and see it as an opportunity to build resilience understanding, how to eliminate silos and work more collaboratively across generations.
At ON Semiconductor, we are thinking beyond tomorrow so that everyone has what they need to succeed and help the company grow. Diverse generations in our workforce ensure diversity in thought and innovation in everything we do.
Learn more about ON Semiconductor's Diversity and Inclusion.
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