How This Sales Rep Grew Her Career During the Pandemic by Remaining Positive and Constantly Learning

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Becca Romas

Image courtesy of BNSF Logistics.

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July 27, 2024 at 1:2AM UTC

“My biggest approach to work is to just remain positive and attack every challenge with a smile,” Becca Romas, an inside sales representative for BNSF Logistics (a multi-modal, third-party logistics services provider specializing in the movement of freight around the globe) tells Fairygodboss.

Of course, it’s not always easy to stay positive, and there are a lot of challenges we all face throughout our careers. Romas has faced her own fair share of challenges when she graduated from Northern Arizona University in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis and entered the job force on the shoulders of economic strife and unprecedented unemployment rates. Nevertheless, she managed to land her job at BNSF Logistics just a year later.

Sure, she’s made mistakes along the way, but she’s kept her wits, learned important lessons and surrounded herself with a great support system. 

We caught up with Romas to talk more about her career journey, the support she receives at BNSF logistics, the most influential people in her life and her experiences along the way. 

Tell us a bit about your job. What’s your current role, how long have you been in this role and what were you doing previously?

My job is to find companies that have items that they want to move and then find them trucks to move those items. It is much more complicated than that, but that is how I describe my job to people who do not work in the supply-chain industry.

I have been in this role since July 6, 2021. Before I was at this job, I was working for Safeway, which is a grocery store in a small town in Williams, Arizona. I was a bookkeeper and customer service representative making just above minimum wage. Five to six days a week, I would drive from the Grand Canyon to work just to survive the pandemic.

What has enabled you to develop/advance your career?

What has enabled me to advance my career would be the support and motivation that I get from my family. They have always pushed me to do better and be better. The biggest change that I made to advance my career was moving from rural northern Arizona down to Phoenix. This helped open up new opportunities that I would never have gotten up north. 

What was the best quality of the best boss you’ve ever had?

For me, it is flexibility and understanding; it is important that a boss understands that life happens and there are things that are outside our control.

How has BNSF Logistics and your own manager helped set you up for success? How is this kind of support reflective of the overall culture at BNSF Logistics?

My manager, Drew Pickens, is definitely my biggest supporter. His motivation keeps not just me, but our whole team, going. Drew spends most of his day hyping us all up and celebrating our wins alongside us. Drew perfectly embodies BNSF Logistics’ foundation of celebrating the journey. Every win, no matter how big or small, is celebrated in our team. And when things are not going well for someone, we help encourage them and pick them up. The collaboration in this team is unlike anything I have ever seen before. We are all living the dream here in PHX OTR!

What’s been your most valuable career mistake?

Before working for BNSF Logistics, I wanted to be a police officer. In my senior year of college, I interned for the Northern Arizona University Police Department — one of the best jobs I have ever had. I started that internship in September of 2019 with the intention to become a police officer after I graduated. I spent a whole year preparing and getting in shape. When I went to take the written exam in May of 2021, I missed passing by 1%.

What are you trying to improve on?

The biggest part of my job that I am trying to improve on are my sales tactics. Sales has never been my strong suit, but talking to people is something that has always been natural to me. So now I am trying to find the perfect balance. 

Who is the most influential person in your professional life and why?

Robert Church is the most influential person in my professional life. He was my supervisor during my Emergency Management internship at the Northern Arizona University Police Department. Robert hired me for an internship that laid the foundation down for the career that I have right now. He taught me how to successfully work in and manage a team. He also trusted me to make important decisions regarding the university plan of action for COVID-19. 

This was my first internship and his first time having an intern, which allowed me to generate an intern program and pave the way for future interns. Robert taught me that it is okay to make mistakes. What matters is that you learn from making those mistakes and how you turn a negative event into a positive lesson.

What’s something at work that you’re especially good at?

Quoting and pricing.

What about outside of work?

Being a dog mom. I love bragging about my dog. Getting a dog really helped improve my work-life balance. He keeps me active and has become my adventure buddy. We love going on long walks and hikes, going to the park, playing frisbee and exploring new restaurants together. He definitely keeps me busy and makes life fun.


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