Use These Templates (and Tips) to Confirm Your Job Interview the Right Way

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Heather K Adams734
Content + Copy Writer
Updated: 4/7/2023

Congratulations! All that time and effort spent crafting an awesome resume and cover letter has just landed you an interview with a company you can't wait to work for. 

When these interview requests get sent over, they should have all the details you need to be prepared for your interview. If that’s the case, confirming the interview in a quick reply will do. But you can also use your email confirmation email to ask for any missing details or propose a different day or time if what they’ve suggested doesn’t work for you. Read on for tips, templates, and examples you can use to send an interview confirmation email that makes a great first impression. 

5 tips for confirming a job interview. 

Express your appreciation. 

"Always start with your thanks," says David Cusick, Chief Strategy Officer at House Method. After all, they did choose you as a candidate out of a pool of applicants. This also gives you an opportunity to reiterate your excitement for the position and company.

Be professional in your communication. 

Show your enthusiasm for the position, but do it in a professional way. According to The Muse, you should “match your tone to the content of your communication,” as well as the recipient. In this situation, you’re most likely emailing someone you don’t know very well, so it’s probably safest to err on the formal side. 

You can also take cues from the interview request or any other communications you’ve had with the company so far. What tone do they use? Does it fall more on the formal side or is it super casual and friendly? Craft a response that matches their tone. 

Send your confirmation email as soon as possible. 

It’s a good habit to respond as soon as you receive an interview request, taking just enough time to assess whether you have all the information you need, according to The Muse.  “Err on the side of assuming the recruiter will be slow to get back to you,” Stacey Lastoe writes. “That means being prepared to obtain all of the information you need as soon as possible.”. If you wait too long, you’re not only delaying the process, but someone else may take your preferred time slot. 

Confirm the date, time, and location of the interview. 

If this information was provided to you, reiterate the exact date, time, and location of your interview back to the hiring manager to ensure you’re both on the same page. But don’t hesitate to ask for any of these details if any of them were missing. If your interview is in person, you’ll need to know the address as well as the floor and the office where the interview will take place. If your interview is virtual, make sure you know what application the company uses (Zoom, Skype, etc.) and have it downloaded and set up on your computer prior to your interview. 

Proofread before you send. 

Remember that every communication is an opportunity, not only to gather information but also to make a good impression. If you’re sending an email off with errors such as spelling mistakes or typos, this may alter the interviewer’s perception of you before you even get your foot in the door. "Make sure to run your writing through a grammar checker like Grammarly to remove any potential typos that might short-circuit your chances from the get-go," says Jagoda Wieczorek, HR Manager at ResumeLab. But remember that spelling and grammar tools can’t catch everything, so review it yourself too — you can even try reading it out loud to catch mistakes you may have missed.  

3 templates and examples you can use when confirming your interview. 

Use these templates and examples as general guidance when confirming your interview — adjusting the tone and language as needed. 

When you need to accept the invitation: 

Dear [interviewer or other contact]: 

Thank you for offering me the opportunity to interview for the [position] role at [Company]. I’m thrilled to have a chance to discuss the position [list 1-3 reasons why]. I’m looking forward to meeting with you at [time] on [date] at [location]. 

In the meantime, please let me know if I can provide you with any additional information or materials. 


[Your name]

[Your phone number]

Dear Ms. Lyongo, 

Thank you for offering me the opportunity to interview for the Assistant Site Merchandiser position at Good Times Co. I’m thrilled to have a chance to discuss the position because of the quality products, sustainable manufacturing process, and ethical working standards that Good Times Co. prioritizes. I’m looking forward to meeting with you at 11 a.m. ET on February 25 via the Zoom link you kindly provided. 

In the meantime, please let me know if I can provide you with any additional information or materials.




When you need to confirm the date, time, or location:

Dear [name of interviewer]:

Thank you for the opportunity to interview for the [title] position.

When you are able, can you confirm the interview will be conducted at the headquarters listed on [Company]'s website: [address you have]? 

Thank you again for this opportunity, and I am looking forward to our conversation on [date] and [time]. 


[Your name]

Dear Aya,

Thank you for the opportunity to interview for the Marketing Specialist position. 

When you are able, can you confirm the interview will be conducted at Steele Manufacturing’s headquarters listed on the official website: 1908 2nd Ave, New York, NY 10128? 

Thank you again for this opportunity, and I am looking forward to our conversation Monday, April 8 at 9 a.m. 



When you need to propose an alternative time: 

If you checked your schedule and the days/times the interviewer suggested don’t work for you, make sure to let them know as soon as possible — and propose alternatives within a similar time frame. 

Dear [name of contact or interviewer]:

Thank you for offering me the opportunity to interview for [position]. I’m very excited about this position because of [list 2-3 reasons]. Unfortunately, I’m not able to meet on [proposed time and date]. Would any of the following options work instead?

[list of 2-3 alternatives]

I look forward to hearing from you.


[Your name]

[Your phone number]

Dear Mr. Bradford,

Thank you for offering me the opportunity to interview for the Head Library Associate position at the Queens Park branch. I’m very excited about this position because of the opportunity to develop educational programs and events for the Queens Park community. Unfortunately, I’m not able to meet at 9 a.m. on September 2nd. Would any of the following options work instead? 

  • 10-11 a.m. on September 3rd

  • 12-3 p.m. on September 5th

  • 9-11 a.m. on September 6th

Looking forward to hearing from you. 

Thank you again,

A couple last points to consider when confirming your interview. 

In addition to confirming the date, time and location of the interview, you may also want to:

  • Ask if you should bring any additional materials with you (such as work samples). Keep in mind that you should always bring physical copies of your resume with you to an in-person interview just in case they don’t have it on them. 

  •  Ask who will be interviewing you. It's useful to find out their name(s) so you can research them prior to your meeting. 

Now go get prepped for that interview and good luck! 


This article reflects the views of the author and not necessarily those of Fairygodboss.

Heather Adams has designed (and re-designed) many business cards. She also writes, makes pictures & creates little notes. As a content creator, she believes that the art of business is storytelling. From brand work to writing the copy that converts, the power of good storytelling is what builds success. Follow her work here.

Fairygodboss team editors contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article. 

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