Dear Authors: Here's How to Include Your Published Works on a Resume

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AnnaMarie Houlis4.87k
Journalist & travel blogger
July 26, 2024 at 11:23PM UTC

If you're a published author, congratulations! Seeing your byline beside a body of writing that took you possibly countless hours to produce can be such a treat. Of course, you're likely proud of being a published author, and you probably want to share that accomplishment with hiring managers. But should you include publications on your resume?

Of course you can! And you should. (If you're a credible, published author, that is!)

Here's what you need to know about including the publications in which you're published on your resume.

When should you not list your publications on your resume?

It's not common to list publications on your resume. 
"Writing publications on a resume is not among the most common sections because it is quite specific and is mostly used by academics or PR and marketing professionals," according to Resume Coach. "Generally viewed as important in a scientific or academic resume, it’s key that listing publications on a resume is done in an organized manner and presented according to their relevance and significance regarding the job application."

You shouldn't worry about this if your publications have nothing to do with the jobs for which you're applying, however.
"[Don't] make publications on your resume a main section if it’s not entirely relevant to the job, industry or company you’re applying to," according to Resume Coach.

6 professionals who should list their publications on their resumes.

Many professionals do have to or want to include their publications on their resume. If so, it's important to have a general resume and a specific resume with these publications.
"Candidates who have completed a PhD degree should make both a resume for industry and an academic resume also known as an academic CV, which includes a fully detailed publications section dedicated to the conferences, presentations and written publications they have either completed individually or contributed to," Resume Coach says, for example. "However, even if you’re not destined for academia as a career or a scientific profession, if you have any writing work that is suitable, listing these publications could be something extra to help you stand out against other applicants."
If you identify as one of the following published professionals, you should list your publications on your resume.

1. Academics

Academics are often published in university publications and research papers.

2. Journalists

Journalists are published in magazines, online websites and newspapers.

3. Book Authors

Book authors, of course, have published novels, children's books, e-books and other kinds of books.

4. Scientists with Research Publications

Scientists are often published in research publications and science journals.

5. Poets

Poets may be published in creative writing magazines or have published poetry books.

6. Bloggers

Bloggers publish their own content on their own blogs that are usually hosted online via platforms like WordPress, Wix, SquareSpace and more. Only bloggers with substantial content and big enough followings should include their published work on their resumes, however. If you have a blog for which you seldom write, it may be worth mentioning, but it may not be worth spending too much space on in your resume.

How do you list publications on a resume?

First of all, ask yourself: What counts as a publication? Here's a list of all the types of publications worth mentioning on your resume:
  • Magazine
  • Online Magazine
  • Blog
  • Scientific Research Paper
  • Scientific Journal
  • Fiction Book
  • Biography
  • Autobiography
  • Industry Journal Publication
  • Trade Association Magazine
  • Non-Fiction Book of Another Kind
  • Poetry Book
  • Children's Book
  • Newspaper
  • University Publication
So you're probably wondering, How do I put research on my resume? or How do you cite a chapter in a book in a CV? or How do I list the magazines for which I've written on my resume?
If you're published in a publication like the above, you will probably want to talk about that on your resume. Here are four simple ways to list your publications on your resume.
  1. Share your job title and, as your description, include all of the publications for which you've written.
  2. Create a separate portfolio page that you include with your resume (or link from your resume).
  3. Introduce yourself as a published author in your resume statement.
  4. List your publications separately.
it's wise to include both a list on your resume and a separate portfolio of your published work where you can go into more depth, share the full articles or details about the book/research and 

Examples of listing publications on a resume

Here are some examples of how to list the publications in which you're published on your resume in the above four simple ways.

1. Job Title and Description

You can list your publications under you job title. Here are some examples.
Freelance Journalist - New York, New York - 2014 - Current
I have bylines in publications including [outlet name X], [outlet name Y], [outlet name Z].
Self-Published Book Author - New York, New York - 2018
"Book Title" — [Book Description]
Published Research Assistant - New York, New York - 2012 - Current
"Journal" — [Journal Description and Your Involvement]

2. Separate Portfolio

Make a completely separate portfolio and add it as an attach it with your resume or link to it from your resume, if you're sending your resume digitally. You can find tons of portfolio examples on sites like Wix and Squarespace!

3. Introduction

If you include a statement on your resume, consider introducing yourself as a published author. You might introduce yourself as the author of your book or as a published research assistant with recognition in [name of the journal in which you're published].

4. List

You may also want to list your publications in a separate section of your resume. To do this, you can frame your publications this way:
Your Last Mame, Your First Name and Middle Names or Initials
Title of Article/Chapter — Name of Journal/Magazine/Website/Outlet
Year of Publication
Publishers or Issue Number — Volume Number — Page Numbers (if Applicable)
Remember to include a URL hyperlink if the publication is digital (and your resume is being sent digitally) or a URL if your publication is digital (but resume is being printed)!

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AnnaMarie Houlis is a feminist, a freelance journalist and an adventure aficionado with an affinity for impulsive solo travel. She spends her days writing about women’s empowerment from around the world. You can follow her work on her blog,, and follow her journeys on Instagram @her_report, Twitter @herreportand Facebook.

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