If You Can Answer ‘Yes’ to These 6 Questions, You’re Setting Yourself Up for Career Success in 2022

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Laura Berlinsky-Schine2.3k
July 26, 2024 at 11:28PM UTC

Your career should be much more than simply a vehicle for earning money. It’s foundational to your livelihood, true, but it’s also a huge part of your life and general satisfaction. And you have agency in directing your professional future.

Wondering if you’re on track for career success in 2022? Ask yourself these six questions to find out.

1. Do I have measurable benchmarks and longer-term goals?

You can’t achieve career success if you don’t know what success means to you — and remember that it can have many definitions for different people. Create SMART (specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and time-bound) goals so you can ensure follow through and establish benchmarks along the road to your longer-term goals to make them more manageable. 

2. Do I have a concrete plan?

In order to find success in your career, you should be able to map out a path for achieving it. This will give you direction and a map to follow. You don’t want to sit around in a dead-end job for years on end waiting for something to happen to you; you can devise a plan for achieving your aspirations. 

Bear in mind that your plan could very well change. That’s okay! You can always make changes and revisions.

3. Am I willing to ask others for support?

Nobody was born with the knowledge of how to succeed in their career. They learned skills and received advice from others. When you need help or support, ask for it. You may feel like this puts you in a vulnerable position, but it’s a crucial step for growing in your career and moving forward. 

Seek out different perspectives, from your managers, colleagues, mentors, others in your industry, role models and even your employees.

4. Do I admit when I make mistakes?

We all make mistakes sometimes. Some are small, and others are big. In order to be successful, as counterintuitive as it may seem, you must be willing and able to admit when you’ve made an error. Hiding it or, even worse, blaming someone else will not only make you feel guilty, but you’ll also gain a poor reputation for being untrustworthy. On the flip side, people who can learn from their mistakes are more likely to grow in their careers.

5. Do I take risks?

People who spend their entire careers playing it safe don’t get very far these days. Sure, you may be happy in your job, but at some point, you’re going to be itching for more excitement. And that requires stretching your skills by tackling complex projects, applying for a job that might seem slightly out of reach, approaching an icon of your industry at a networking event (or messaging them on LinkedIn) or sending a cold letter to a company that you admire.

6. Do I seek out learning opportunities?

Career growth is all about building your skills and learning new things. Now is the perfect time to take an online course or earn a certification. Even if you don’t need a particular skill for your current role, learning it will make you a more marketable candidate or enable you to climb the ranks at your current organization.

2021 was a trying year personally and professionally for many of us. If you’re able to confidently say “yes” to these questions, you’re ready to tackle your career with gusto in 2022.

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