If Your Workplace Isn't Offering These 4 Things, They Need to Update Their Benefits

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Canva / Fairygodboss Staff

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Madeline Miller10
July 27, 2024 at 12:34AM UTC

According to a 2017 Glassdoor survey, 57% of job seekers say that benefits and perks “are among their top considerations” when accepting a job. In the midst of the Great Resignation that continues into 2022, benefits are still front of mind for job seekers — and even important for retaining employees who are thinking about jumping ship. Here are offerings all companies should have in 2022 if they’re looking to reengage and retain their employees.

1. Flexibility.

Newer generations have promoted the incorporation of flexible work options. It is clear that no two employees are able to work in the exact same fashion. When flexible positions are offered, a company can have a variety of employees that showcase unique skills. Companies that create a diverse workplace will notice the overwhelming benefits over time. 

Many employers miss the opportunity to hire exceptional employees because of the lack of flexible positions. Just because an individual thrives better in a different scenario doesn’t mean they aren’t an asset to your company. 

Managers and HR professionals should consider creating opportunities for a range of employee types. In order to develop flexible positions, brainstorm realistic options. For example, many thrive in remote positions because they can produce better work when in the comfort of their own home. Some people prefer going to work some days, and completing their tasks at home during other days. 

It’s not just management’s view of flexibility that counts. They need to be proactive in asking their employees what they want.

“Once I considered the perspective of employees, I’ve become better at my job,” revealed Daniel Neal, HR manager at Assignment Service and RatedWriting.

2. Employee wellness benefits.

Neglecting the well-being of employees is not only unethical, but it is also a dangerous disadvantage. When employees are viewed as workers rather than humans, it creates an unhealthy workplace dynamic. In order to prevent this notion, it’s of your best interest to show authentic dedication prioritize employee wellbeing. By ensuring that employees have healthy well-being, not only will they perform better, but they will enjoy their jobs more. 

There are several ways that employee wellness can be worked into a company. Recognition, health benefits, a genuine relationship among all workers, and less pressure are factors that lead to positive wellbeing. 

3. New technology.

Old methods often produce outdated results. Due to new generations and changes in our world, outdated work methods don’t always suffice. New strategies are a solution to gaining company success in the modern world. 

Let’s say your company fails to incorporate technology use. Our world now revolves heavily around technology in order to operate. When companies don’t utilize technology, they will struggle performance-wise. It’s no surprise that modern workers already have ample technology expertise. Allowing workers to use technology, especially for certain jobs, is a clever decision. Technology can be used to lessen work difficulty, efficiently advertise and build quick relationships with customers and clients. 

4. Analytics and feedback.

Rather than assuming how employees can improve, management should provide real solutions based on the analytics of the company. Company analytics can be measured by the overall performance of each employee combined in all areas. 

After data is collected, management can identify the problem areas. For example, maybe a majority of employees struggle to fill in information in a certain format. If so, the company can adapt the format in a way that all employees are able to easily complete that task. 

With analytics comes employee appraisal. In order to both fairly, but also accurately appraise employees, managers need to give back quality constructive criticism. Some employers and HR professionals mistake harsh feedback as constructive criticism. The issue is the feedback is often blunt and doesn’t promote employee improvement. Modern employees prefer constant feedback rather than annual appraisals. In order to learn and improve, they need to know about how they can become better workers — in a constructive way.

Companies that aren’t aware of these trends risk not only falling behind in the job market but also losing valuable current employees. By offering flexibility, employee wellness benefits, new technology and regular feedback, they can reengage employees and stay competitive with other companies — all while making for a happier workforce.


This article reflects the views of the author and not necessarily those of Fairygodboss.

Madeline Miller is both a business analyst and writer at Student Writing Services and Best Assignment Writing Services AU. Madeline has always been interested in creating articles on how to improve business success at Best Essay Writing Services.

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