I’m a Career Coach — Here's the No. 1 Thing I Wish Women Knew About Getting a Job Right Now

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Marjorie Kalomeris202
Founder & Interview Coach @ MK Career Coaching
July 27, 2024 at 12:45AM UTC

As a career coach for women, there are many things I wish women knew about getting a job right now. I do believe that it’s always the right time to go for that promotion, that role you think is slightly out of reach or for that company you’ve always admired.

But what I wish women knew is that now, more than ever, is an especially good time to think about switching jobs.  

Believe it or not, this is a magical time to be looking for a job in the workforce. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 0.9 people for every job opening. For the first time in years, there are more than enough jobs for every person. Compare this to June 2020 when there were five people for every job opening. Talent is now more in demand than ever. 

So, let’s use this to your advantage in your job search.

1. Know that you have options. 

There are tons of great roles out there right now; they just might look slightly different than jobs did pre-pandemic. Remote work is a big change, one that has become normalized in our new work-from-home world. While it may have taken longer to get remote work approved pre-pandemic, there are now tons of remote jobs posted on LinkedIn. There are even remote-only companies, which are gaining popularity extremely quickly. Want a hybrid office or work-from-home situation? No problem. Lots of companies around the globe are learning to be flexible given the changing government guidelines during the pandemic. 

2. Don’t compromise on your values. 

Your work values are elements of your work life that are important to you, specifically. What are they for you? Flexibility? Ethics or high pay? Freedom in the details of your work schedule? Some people just want to work the hours of their job — no overtime, no weekends. This should be perfectly doable. Whatever your values and parameters are for you and your life, don’t settle. There is always another job out there that will meet more — or all — of your criteria. In this job market, where companies are struggling to hire, the power balance has shifted. Great work should mold to fit our lives — not the other way around. 

3. Know you’re not alone.

If you’re unhappy in your job and thinking about searching for a new one soon, know that you’re not alone. According to an August job-seekers survey, about 55% of the workforce is thinking about leaving their jobs soon. This should signal to employers that people aren’t happy and that new flexible work policies are needed. It should also signal to you, as a job seeker, that employers need you more than you need them. This is a time where you can get several offers on the table, use your values as criteria to decide, and choose what works for you as talent in the job market — not what works for the company.  

If you’re hesitant about starting your job search, or just kind of dreading it, don’t be. The factors of the market are in your favor, and your skills are in demand. Now, more than ever, you got this.

What’s your no. 1 piece of advice for women on the job search right now? Share your answer in the comments to help other Fairygodboss'ers!


This article was written by a Fairygodboss contributor.

Marjorie Kalomeris is a career coach and founder of MK Career Coaching.

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