I’m a Senior Recruiter — You Need to Know These 3 2022 Job Search Rules (That Didn’t Apply in 2021)

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Canva / Fairygodboss Staff

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Marjorie Kalomeris202
Founder & Interview Coach @ MK Career Coaching
July 27, 2024 at 1:6AM UTC

In this ultra-competitive job market, employees are more in-demand than in recent years, and any successful company will be investing heavily in hiring. As a senior recruiter working in tech for almost 10 years, I can attest to the fact that candidates often come into an interview process with several offers on the table — and that they’re shopping around and asking for what they want, now more than ever. If they can, why can’t you? Here are my new job search rules for 2022.

1. We’re done settling in our job searches. 

In this job market, you have options. This is the time to evaluate different criteria and reprioritize how you choose your work, based on your life and your values. Is salary the most important thing to you? That’s ok. Is it feeling like you can be yourself at work? That’s great. What about having the flexibility to work during your hours of choice? That’s cool too. Write your top three most important things down and stick them up near your computer somewhere. In 2022, we’re done settling for jobs that tick only one or two out of three boxes. We want a job that checks them all.

2. “Job shopping” is the new job searching.

Now that we’re done settling, our job search strategy becomes one of job shopping, as candidates begin holding employers to a higher standard. This goes for things like salary and benefits, of course, but also for important factors like your relationship with your future manager, the company’s culture, investment in real (not performative) D&I initiatives, and the amount of flexibility and trust that is felt within the organization. Even factors like how excited you are about the company and the product are all fair game. 

Shop around and don’t let any company rush you. You’re shopping for a place where you’ll devote a large part of your time, after all. Line up around five to seven “tough” questions you ask every employer, around things like work-life balance, mental health support, or whatever is important to you. Comparing answers is key, as it shows you where one company may be strong, or where another may be lacking.

3. Come in with strong salary data. 

Salary transparency is slowly happening. In May, New York is mandating salary transparency on all job descriptions. But beyond waiting for legislation to change our job search practices, I urge all career coaching clients of mine to ask for help when they navigate one of the toughest parts of their job search: the salary negotiation. Find about 7-10 good data points of salary for your level, industry, desired job title and location. Asking people currently in the role or by asking people who are interviewing you. 

Don’t go in blind, and know that you never need to disclose what you’re currently making in a role. Stick to discussing your expectations with these companies, along with what type of compensation you prioritize the most (base salary, bonus, stock, etc.). Is the salary too low on their end, and is it a top three criteria for you? See the first rule. 

In 2022, people are valuing their skills more than ever. More people seem to be investing in their own career development, both within and outside of the traditional corporate structure. 2022 is all about having career options, evaluating companies more strictly, and increased pay transparency. Data is your friend, shop far and wide, and shop specifically to find a place (or a few) that will serve you best in this next chapter of your career. 

This article reflects the views of the author and not necessarily those of Fairygodboss.

Marjorie Kalomeris is the Founder of MK Career Coaching, an interview and career coaching consultancy for women in tech. Marjorie is a Senior Recruiter in the tech space and has recruited at several hyper-growth tech companies like LinkedIn and HubSpot. She has lived in Ireland and the Netherlands as an expat and is currently based in NYC.

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