Independence And Great Money? Check Out This Great Career For Women


Happy woman


Updated: 12/7/2020
Women excel at different - but equally essential - business traits from men, according to a recent book called The Athena Doctrine. Generally speaking, women are better at making future plans, having empathy and demonstrating loyalty.

Because these are areas in which women excel, it turns out that becoming a female financial advisor is a great career path that more women should consider. While there is most definitely an old-school stereotype of the male money manager, women who become financial advisors find themselves rewarded with strong client relationships, stimulating work, flexible schedules and a high income to book.

If you haven’t considered a career as a financial advisor, here are 6 reasons you should:

1. Clear objectives

Many women find themselves frustrated in a workplace where the proverbial yardstick that measures their performance is unclear. Recent data released by Fairygodboss shows that promotion is the #1 area in which women think their workplace shows gender bias.

As a financial advisor, your job expectations are crystal clear - and you will know clearly where your performance stands based upon client retention, recruitment and loyalty.

2. Independence

If you are one of the many employees who hate being micromanaged, then being a financial advisor is a great career for you. As a financial advisor, you are effectively your own boss and you can blaze your own trail instead of following a pre-prescribed company career path.


Worried about facetime or a punishing workplace culture? Most financial advisors create their own schedule, so it’s easy to build in flexibility for the things that matter to you -- whether it is making time for workouts, your children’s soccer games, or even community service. As a financial advisor, your results matter way more than the hours you work. And, you can easily work from home or anywhere else.

4. Great relationships

Success as a financial advisor is all about building great relationships with your clients and prospects. If you are the kind of person who enjoys getting to know people, then being a financial advisor is a great way to build a network of interesting, successful, dynamic professionals. 

5. Income

One of the most gratifying parts of being a financial advisor is that you really are the driver of your own income. Instead of worrying about overall company performance or a manager’s discretion to drive your income, you will be paid specifically based on the work you contribute.

6. A strong support network

At top financial companies, when you start out as a financial consultant, the company provides an infrastructure to help you get started. You’ll receive mentoring, education, sponsorship to take key certification tests, and more. 
Not interested in becoming a financial advisor? We have 25 amazing careers for women, right this way. 

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